Three people lost their lives due to apartment fires at two locations, the BM National Disaster Management Directorate General announced. Deputy spokesman Imre Dóka said that the firemen were called to a house in Makó on Saturday afternoon, after the residents had not been reached for a long time. A firefighter on a day off, who found burn marks on the shutters of the property on Vágóhíd Street, entered the property before the professional units arrived.
where he found two people who had lost their lives in a room burned out by a previous fire
said the spokesperson.
Also on Saturday afternoon, a 50-square-meter residential building in Akaszt, Petőfi Sándor utca, caught fire and burned in its entirety. Two people were in the building at the time of the fire. Firefighters extinguished the flames from several sides.
The occupants were rescued from the burning building through the window, both were injured. They tried to revive one of them, but despite the quick intervention, his life could not be saved. The firefighters also removed a gas cylinder from the building, which was affected by the heat, so it was cooled down.
The disaster management is investigating the cause and circumstances of both fires. Along with Saturday’s cases, six people have lost their lives in apartment fires this year, the spokesperson pointed out.
The best way to detect fires as soon as possible is to install a smoke detector in your home. A ceiling-mounted smoke detector signals immediately when a fire breaks out, when there is still time to stop it or leave the building
– pointed out Imre Dóka.