Three tips to improve your SEX LIFE

To improve your sexuality, communication is key. Discover expert advice.

When we face sexual problems in our relationships, we often think that it is about libido, difficulties with sex, but very often communication is the focus.

Dr. Emili Morse explains in the Body+Soul column that the key to a sexually fulfilling relationship lies in communication. According to an American sexologist, most sexual problems in our relationships do not stem from sex itself, but from a lack of dialogue.

Intimacy is the foundation on which good sex is built, and when we suppress our desires and needs, we limit the depth of our relationship with our partner.

“A lot of people think that communicating with a partner about sex means yelling, ‘Do this!’, ‘Not like that!’ . That’s not the kind of communication I’m talking about,” American sexologist Dr. Emily Morse tells Body+Soul.

Three tips for successful communication in bed

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The right weather

Choose the right time to start the discussion. Make sure you are both relaxed, energized and comfortable. Avoid starting a conversation if one of you is hungry, angry or tired, as this can lead to unnecessary frustration.

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The tone of the conversation

Take an approach of curiosity and compassion rather than criticism or blame. Ask questions and remember to explore together, each with their own preferences. Use statements like “I feel” or “we” and avoid generalizations like “always” or “never”.

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Leave the bedroom

Avoid these conversations in the privacy of the bedroom, as this can create unwanted sexual expectations. Instead, opt for a neutral place, without sexual pressure, such as a sofa in the living room, an outdoor terrace or even during a walk or in the car. The last option is particularly effective because it avoids direct eye contact, which can facilitate open and honest communication.
