Thriller in Canada: Woman arrested as “serial killer”

A woman described by police as a “serial killer” was arrested Friday, charged with three murders committed over three days in Canada. The attacks took place from Tuesday to Thursday, with victims located in different cities, including Toronto, Niagara Falls and Hamilton.

Niagara Regional Police Chief Bill Fordy told reporters that the arrest involved a woman identified as suspicious and described her as «serial killer».

Sabrina Kauldar, 30, was arrested at a hotel in the suburbs of Torontoafter police linked the murders and found that the description of the assailant matched in all cases, CBS News reports.

The victims

Kaulder faces charges in the murders of one 60 year old woman at her home in Toronto, one 47-year-old man in a park in Niagara Falls and one 77-year-old man in a parking lot in Hamilton, Ontario.

According to police, the first victim, a 60-year-old woman found dead in her Toronto home, was known to the perpetrator, while the two men in Niagara Falls and Hamilton appear to have been random targets.

The second victim, Lance Cunningham, 47, found dead in a park in Niagara Falls. Cunningham, father of a 13-year-old daughtersuccumbed to his injuries at the scene. His devastated wife, Kim Cunningham, said: “He didn’t deserve this. I want my husband back”.

The third victim, Mario Bilic, 77 and retired teacherwas attacked in Hamilton when Kauldar allegedly followed him to his vehicle in a parking lot. Police said he suffered serious stab wounds and later succumbed in hospital.

Police were able to link Bilic’s murder in Hamilton to the attack on Cunningham at John Allen Park in Niagara Falls, finding that the description of the suspect was the same in both cases. In addition, Kauldar was linked to the case of the first murder in Toronto on October 1.

The 30-year-old now faces serious charges as police continue to investigate the attacks. The policemen they are looking for further evidence that could link Kauldar to other crimes as they try to identify a woman caught on CCTV on Tuesday, buying clothes found in the suspect’s possession at the time of her arrest.

The case has shocked Canadian society as the crimes were particularly violent and it appears that in at least two cases the victims were random citizens who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
