Through smart choices, we trick our instincts

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Nutritionist, about anti-hunger foods. Food choices are the key to anti-hunger. Besides the fact that they keep us satiated, we can improve our lifestyle without drastic sacrifices.

The persistent feeling of hunger always throws our plans off course, and a renowned nutritionist points out that our food choices can contribute to this problem.

Foods high in fat do NOT keep you hungry

Nutritionist, about anti-hunger foods. According to Dr. Mihaela Bilic, it is good to opt for foods rich in fiber and protein, because they keep us full for a longer period.
They are also particularly beneficial if we want to lose weight. On the other hand, foods that contain a lot of fat, salt or sugar, as well as processed foods, give us a feeling of satiety that lasts very little.

Myth demolished by the nutritionist: “Meat does not make you fat, but rather helps you lose weight”

“To fool our instincts we have to be smart and choose foods with increased satiogenic power, which satiate us with few calories. The feeling of satiety occurs with 2 categories of nutrients: fibers that have a large volume and give the effect of a full stomach and proteins that are difficult to digest/metabolize.

At the other extreme are foods with a small volume and high calorie content, such as cheeses, sausages, fats, sweet or salty snacks. Even if it seems to us that we have eaten a little, there is a risk of gaining weight”, wrote Mihaela Bilic on her page Facebook.

The nutritionist says what foods keep you hungry for a long time.

Photo source: Dr. Bilic’s Facebook

“Here are the effective foods when we talk about maximum satiety and reduced caloric intake:

In first place we have the boiled egg, the product with the highest satiogenic power for only 80 calories. Next comes the meat, regardless of the color and the animal from which it comes. Meat proteins are said to have negative calories, keep you hungry for many hours and the body spends energy to metabolize them. So meat does not make you fat, but rather helps you lose weight.

Fish in general and fatty fish in particular also fall into the category of proteins with a satiogenic effect. In addition, we also have the anti-inflammatory effect produced by omega 3 fatty acids. As for proteins of vegetable origin, you can trust legumes such as beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas” – explained the nutritionist.

Pasta cooked al dente and potatoes boiled in skin are ideal options, says Dr. Bilic.

“From the flour category, pasta cooked al dente and potatoes in their skins are the products that satiate us without endangering our figure. Do not cook the pasta until it is completely soft, and eat the potatoes and rice after they have cooled. Part of the starch is no longer absorbed, so we fill the belly efficiently with fewer calories. And bran-rich wholemeal bread is preferable to the fluffy white version. This time, the high fiber content blocks part of the starch, the glycemic index decreases and the feeling of satiety increases”, added Mihaela Bilic.

Moreover, soup is also an excellent choice to fill us up with few calories, because “although it contains more than 90% water, soup and soup fill us up with few calories. It’s called the soup paradox, and it’s been shown to stay in the stomach twice as long as a second course. So don’t hesitate to start the meal with a soup if you want to fill your stomach quickly. And if you’re on a weight loss diet, ONLY eat soup, as a unique dish! And put a hot pepper next to it, to speed up the metabolism”, concludes the nutrition expert.
