TikTok’s plea not to be considered a ‘gatekeeper’ rejected

The EU’s secret desire is to contribute with the implementation and observance of the DMA Act in making the vast internet space as friendly as possible to the competition and for this he has created a so-called list “gatekeepers” where TikTok is one of the companies included in it.

Registering as a gatekeeper requires a company to meet a number of requirements to ensure the space is competition-friendly. Not long ago, we had the appeal from TikTok’s parent company, ByteDance, for TikTok’s inclusion in the list. But now, that appeal has been rejected.

For example, messaging services can be added to this list of gatekeepers under DMA to support interoperability with other messaging services. Operating system developers will allow users to choose which apps to pre-install and not prefer their own services and apps over third-party ones.

To be considered a gatekeeper service must have a certain number of users, market capitalization and influence among people.

TikTok was one of the first services listed as a gatekeeper, and ByteDance appealed. However, the EU General Court has now ruled that the company qualifies to hold the title.

TikTok argued that naming companies as gatekeepers was to protect emerging services from dominant companies, but TikTok did not have a comparable position to others on the gatekeeper list. The list also includes giants such as Amazon, Alphabet, Apple, ByteDance, Meta and Microsoft.

The DMA rules indicate that services with more than 45 million monthly users and a market capitalization of more than €75 billion in the EU should be considered gatekeepers. TikTok fulfills these conditions and also has an influence on people.


Source: myphone.gr