Tips in the kitchen. How to make black grape jam

It has an intense color with dark purple reflections and a slightly gelatinous texture thanks to the natural pectin in the grapes. The sweet-sour aroma is enriched by notes of vanilla and lemon, perfectly balancing the taste.

Health benefits of black grapes

Black grapes contain antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. They have beneficial effects on the immune, cardiovascular and skin systems.

They are also rich in resveratrol, an antioxidant that supports heart health and fights oxidative stress. They are a good source of C, K and B-complex vitamins.

They contain essential minerals such as potassium and magnesium, which help support immunity, bone health and blood pressure regulation.

The fiber in black grapes aids digestion, contributing to healthy intestinal transit and lowering bad cholesterol (LDL). Due to the fiber and phenolic compounds, black grapes have a lower impact on blood sugar compared to other sweet fruits.

Black grapes can be eaten fresh, but also in recipes for compotes, juices, jams, jams and desserts.

The recipe for black grape jam

1 kg black grapes
800 g of sugar
the juice of a lemon
1 vanilla pod.

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Method of preparation
First of all, wash the grapes well, pick the berries from the bunches and remove the seeds using a paper clip. You can lightly crush some of the grapes with a fork or blender, and leave some whole for a rustic texture.

Then put the grapes in a deep pot with a layered base. Add the sugar over the grapes and place the pot on the stove flame, at low intensity. Stir gently until the sugar starts to melt and the grapes leave their juice in the pot. Removes the foam that forms on the surface of the jam.

After about 10-15 minutes of boiling, add the lemon juice and the vanilla pod cut lengthwise. You can use vanilla sugar.

Simmer the jam over low to medium heat for 45-60 minutes, until the syrup begins to thicken and the jam reaches the desired consistency. You can test the consistency by putting a few drops of jam on a cold plate. If the drop does not spread and remains like a pearl on the plate, the jam is ready.

Pour the hot jam into sterilized jars and seal them tightly with sterilized lids. Cover the jars with a blanket and let them cool completely to seal well. Then you can label them and store them on the appropriate pantry shelf
