TOP 5 conditioner foods for KIDNEYS. I fight kidney stones!

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Kidney stones, also known as kidney stones or renal lithiasis/urolithiasis, are small formations composed of a mixture of crystalline minerals or salts that are found among the substances in the urine at the level of the kidneys.

Symptoms of kidney stones are manifested by severe pain and cramps, nausea, vomiting, fever, chills and bloody urine. Doctors warn that, in the long term, kidney stones can cause infections and inflammation (hydronephrosis), kidney failure or end-stage kidney disease.

To take care of your kidneys, you don’t need miraculous nutritional supplements and exotic foods, but only certain changes in your diet, which include some fairly familiar and affordable products.

The kidneys are one of the body’s main pair of natural detoxification organs, with an important role in blood pressure regulation and vitamin D absorption.

Beware of kidney stones!

If there are problems with the kidneys, this will affect the condition of the whole body. The composition of the blood will change, coagulation problems will occur, the activity of the heart and blood vessels will be damaged, immunity and digestion will suffer.

Changing the position of kidney stones can be painful, as can their elimination through urine. Doctors say that most kidney stones are calcium stones, usually in the form of calcium oxalate, a substance produced daily by the liver or absorbed from the diet.

You can help your kidneys with a smart diet that includes five kidney-protecting foods that act like a balm.


Many experts claim that, due to the large amount of water in their composition, cucumbers have a diuretic effect and help to detoxify the urinary tracts naturally.

Photo source: Doctor of the Day archive


It is one of the healthiest cereals, being rich in complex carbohydrates that help eliminate urine that contains harmful substances from the body. Hrisca it also contains proteins with a low sulfate content, so this porridge will put less pressure on the kidneys.

Sea fish

The main advantage of this product is the omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid. Almost all cells in our body, including kidney tissue, need this compound. Omega-3 is also involved in the formation of membranes and helps protect kidney cells.

These fruits contain anthocyanins that help protect the kidney tubes from atrophy, the effects of diabetes and high blood pressure. In addition, currants contain vitamins C, K and dietary fiber.

photo source:

Wheat bran

Cabbage also helps to lower blood pressure. They contain a lot of vitamin B6, which is important for preventing the occurrence of urolithiasis.

Doctors also identify a series of foods that, consumed in excess, can affect kidney health:

– hypersodate products;

– semi-prepared foods;

– sweet and fatty foods;

– conserve

Risk factors. Why are kidney stones formed?

  • Eating foods rich in oxalates (chocolate, tomatoes, tomato sauces, beets, nuts, etc.)
  • Insufficient hydration
  • sedentariness
  • Excessive consumption of salt and meat (risk of uric lithiasis)
  • Frequent urinary infections
  • Obesity
  • Genetic inheritance
