TotalEnergies is trying to integrate 70% renewables into a large-scale network

There, the two partners will work on the integration of renewables into the network on a large scale. A challenge given that wind and solar power do not play the role of stabilizing the frequency of the network as traditional thermal power plants do, but on the contrary create new disturbances.

«We will test new technologies such as Grid forming where each energy generates its own signal to better stabilize the network», explains Julien Cabrera, head of the hybrid electricity and storage R&D program at TotalEnergies.

Today, 30% of electricity comes from renewables in Europe. “How do we go to 60%, or even 70%, without generating too much instability?», he asks. In Roskilde, 75 people from DTU and TotalEnergies will therefore work on the architecture and management of the plant, the anticipation of production and demand… The goal: to know how to deliver energy at the right time, in the right quantity and optimizing the income generated. #

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