Traffic in the opposite direction in the roundabout. What is the penalty?

Traffic rules in the roundabout continue to cause problems for some drivers. Some do not know exactly who has priority, others do not line up correctly to exit this intersection. And there are drivers who drive in the opposite direction in the roundabout, although they risk a rather harsh penalty.

The Romanian authorities have brought a series of clarifications regarding traffic rules in the roundabout.

Thus, it was established who is obliged to give priority and in which situations.

What are the traffic rules at roundabouts?

In the case of a single-lane roundabout, those inside the roundabout have priority. Which means that drivers who are about to enter must yield the right-of-way.

The same rule applies to multi-lane roundabouts. However, those on the upper bands must give priority to those on the lower bands.

In the case of intersections with roundabouts, drivers must comply with the rules regarding traffic in the lanes, having the obligation to signal in time to leave the intersection and ensure that they can do so without disrupting traffic or endangering the safety of other road users”, it is established by Art 107, point 1.1, of law 195/2002.

So driving inside the roundabout is similar to driving on another multi-lane road.

Which means that, for example, those in lane 2, if they want to leave the roundabout, will pass or intersect lane 1. But before changing lanes, they are required to signal and give priority to those already in lane 1 .

However, it still maintains its priority over those who are going to enter the roundabout.

Traffic in the opposite direction in the roundabout

In the roundabout, it always travels in one direction.

Thus, in Romania, where you drive on the right side of the road, the direction of travel in the roundabout is counter-clockwise. So every time you enter the roundabout, you have to go around the center of the intersection on the right side.

Conversely, in Great Britain, where traffic is on the left, the direction of traffic is clockwise. So, bypassing the center is done on the left.

And, because the law states that the traffic rules of the traffic lanes apply at the roundabout, the obligations are the same. So, and the sanctions.

It constitutes a contravention and is sanctioned with the fine provided for in the III class of sanctions and with the application of the complementary contraventional sanction of suspending the right to drive for a period of 60 days (…) driving in the opposite direction, except in cases where regular overtaking maneuver“, establishes Art. 101 (3-d) of GEO 195/2002.

Therefore, driving in the opposite direction in the roundabout results in a fine of up to 1,320 lei. And the driver remains without a license for 60 days.

By law, overtaking at an intersection is prohibited. So those who drive in the opposite direction in the roundabout will not be able to use this excuse to avoid the penalty.
