Traveling, you not only develop culturally and informationally, but also spiritually

Rule number 1 a Ruxandrei NutăDigital Director We Are Younger (WAY): to visit as many as possible, in excess! Her passion for traveling started when she was little and visiting all kinds of new places with her parents. For her, traveling is a form of knowledge and learning.

“From the age of 20-22 I started to discover the world without my parents, but with a well organized plan, learned step by step from them, with the same goal: to get to know each other”, says Ruxandra.

Where communication intersects with exploration, what she discovered in her travels and how their experience influenced her, Ruxandra tells in the lines below:

Your path

My professional career began 12 years ago, at the time when the field of PR aroused my greatest curiosity. I was also flirting with the idea of ​​an Event Planner and I got down to business. 2 years later, I realized that promotion is starting to go more and more towards digital, towards social media networks, that more and more large companies or local businesses understand that the future is online and I saw the opportunity of this industry “in the cloud”. I knew that I could learn the most in a digital agency and submitted my CV. I stuck to digital, and today I am extremely happy with this decision and I am amazed that every day I encounter completely different challenges.

Beyond the job

I am passionate about beautiful, special, creative things and, even if it may sound unusual, people. I can say that everything involving the art of traveling is my great hobby. Because we can consider this a real art, if these trips have a specific purpose. My goal is to discover new people (now you understand my passion for people), new cultures, places full of stories, and this is instilled by my parents, since the age of 10-12.

The first steps were the first trips with my parents, and my father’s explanations brought me extraordinary information every hour, every day to visit, which awakened my curiosity for much more, the desire to learn, to know. From the age of 20-22 I started to discover the world without my parents, but with a well-organized plan, learned step by step from them, with the same goal: to get to know each other.


I learned from the people around me, as we say “I stole my job”.

I’m happy every time I get to new places and discover so many wonderful things. I would one day like to become a Travel Experiences consultant.

Time & resources

I dedicate as much time as I can to travel. The hard parts don’t really exist, only those related to the financial aspect. The hobby called “travel” is sometimes a bit expensive.

It is important to have the desire to know and explore every corner of the world. Rule no. 1: to visit as much as I can, in excess!


Surprises always come from people. Traveling, you not only develop from a cultural and informational point of view, but also spiritually by meeting legendary people, about whom you wonder how they still exist in this world.

Travel & communication

I believe that everything we do in this life has this common denominator “communication” and, in particular, travel. In fact, it is based on this. Communication from everyday life helps you to communicate at the office and vice versa. Any copy needs inspiration, and every time I travel I write down all kinds of ideas to put into practice in communication for the agency’s clients. Experiences from different corners of the world also inspire me for creative concepts for activations.

The balance of time was mostly in favor of the job, but I try to travel as much as I can.
