Tropical storm could affect Azores with strong winds and rain and sea disturbances

Tropical Storm Isaac could affect the Azores from Saturday and intensify, becoming a category 1 hurricane, causing winds with gusts of up to 80 kilometers per hour, heavy precipitation and waves between 5 and 7 meters.

In a statement released this Tuesday night, the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) explained that at 8pm (9pm in Lisbon) “the center of tropical cyclone Isaac was located 1750 kilometers west of the Azores (island of Flowers)”.

Speaking to the Lusa agency, Rita Mota, meteorologist from the Azores delegation of the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA), had explained that “the center of the storm will pass to the north of the islands”.

According to IPMA, “Tropical Storm Isaac is moving east at 19 kilometers per hour, so, according to the forecast, there is a possibility that the Azores archipelago will suffer its influence from September 28th. (Saturday), with the center of the cyclone passing north of the archipelago”.

“The expected effects of this passage are wind with gusts of up to 80 km/h, sometimes heavy precipitation and an increase in sea agitation with waves of significant height between 5 and 7 meters”, it can be read.

“Tropical Storm Isaac is expected to intensify, as it moves east, and could become a category 1 hurricane during the day on Saturday”, the IPMA also highlights in the note, sending a new statement for 9am on Friday (10am in Lisbon).
