Trump chooses the 39-year-old senator, formerly a staunch critic, as his bid for vice president of the United States

Donald Trump has chosen Senator JD Vance as his vice presidential candidate.

He writes this in a message on his social media, Truth Social, on Monday.

“After much consideration – and considering the tremendous talent of many others – I have decided that the person best suited to assume the position of Vice President is Senator JD Vance,” writes Trump.

“As Vice President, JD will continue to fight for our Constitution, stand side by side with our soldiers and do everything he can to help me ‘Make America Great Again,'” writes Trump, referring to his world-famous political slogan. ยจ

On Monday evening, Vance was also formally nominated by the Republicans as the party’s vice presidential candidate.

It happened at the party’s convention, which is being held these days in the state of Wisconsin.

The 39-year-old senator from the state of Ohio has previously been very critical of Trump.

In the time around the presidential election in 2016, when Trump won over the former Democratic first lady and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, JD Vance was, among other things, out to call Trump an ‘idiot’ and ‘America’s Hitler’.

But in recent years he has often loyally defended Trump.

It also prompted the then-president to endorse Vance in the 2022 Ohio Senate election, which the young politician won.

Vance became a household name in American politics when he published the autobiography ‘Hillbilly Elegy’, which quickly rose to the top of many booksellers’ bestseller lists.

It is about his modest upbringing in the US’s so-called rust belt, where the heavy industries such as the coal and steel industry are located, but where since the 1980s there has been a significant decline in production and the number of jobs.

The book gave a voice to many working class Americans who feel let down by the government in Washington DC

The current President of the United States, Democrat Joe Biden, does not give much to Vance’s wooing of America’s working class, however.

Shortly after Trump revealed Vance as his pick for a future vice president, Biden lashed out at the conservative senator.

“He has a big mouth when it comes to the working people. But now he and Trump want to increase taxes for the middle class while pushing for more tax cuts for the rich,” writes Biden on the social media X.

Trump has also been officially nominated by the Republicans on Monday evening.

He is expected to accept the nomination as presidential candidate in an important speech on Thursday, which is the last day of the convention.

