On December 11, Somalia and Ethiopia signed the Ankara Declaration under the mediation of Turkey. This peace move of Turkey has maintained its place in the world press since the day the agreement was signed. In a report in the foreign press, attention was drawn to Turkey’s increasing influence in Africa with this agreement, and it was underlined that it would contribute greatly to greater stability in the continent, which has become a geopolitical battlefield between major world powers.
It was noted that Turkey will be a strategic player not only in its own region in 2024, but also in economic, military and diplomatic cooperation. The news stated that the deteriorating political and social conditions in Africa continue to pose a constant threat and that Turkey’s latest move will make a great contribution to changing these balances.
It was underlined that the main reason why President Erdoğan resolved the crisis between Ethiopia and Somalia, which had been going on for years, was thanks to his good relations both on the continent and with the two governments.
It was stated that not only Turkey’s political moves but also its commercial and military power have increased in the African continent. In the news, which included economic data, it was reported that trade between Türkiye and Africa increased from 5.4 billion dollars in 2003 to over 40 billion dollars in 2023. On the other hand, it was stated that the military export volume reached a record figure of 460 million dollars in 2021.
In the news in question, it was particularly emphasized that Turkey increased the number of its embassies in Africa from 12 in 2002 to 44 today.
The news noted that in addition to the mediation between Ethiopia and Somalia, Turkey wants to resolve the crisis in Sudan, another bleeding wound of the continent. While it was claimed that Turkey wanted to prevent the intervention of foreign powers in Sudan, it was stated that it started consultations to develop a solution that protects Sudan’s sovereignty. In this context, it was emphasized that in response to all these initiatives of Turkey, the Sudanese government wanted Turkish investors to come to the country and invest.
While it was stated that the competition between China, Russia and Western countries in Africa is getting more intense, it was pointed out that Turkey has become a dynamic player in the region. It was emphasized that many countries tried to solve the problems between Ethiopia and Somalia, but the one who succeeded in this and benefited from this was Türkiye.
In the news, it was stated that in addition to all these achievements of Turkey, France was declared persona non grata in Africa, and that the Macron administration did not want to leave the region. On the other hand, it was emphasized that France does not have any influence or weight in the West, and it was underlined that Macron’s government is trying to increase its prestige in eastern and southern Africa.
Source: www.star.com.tr