Two fighter jets, one Russian, the other American, had a near collision near Alaska. The Americans accuse the Russians VIDEO

Monday, September 30, 2024, 10:35 p.m

2630 readings

Photo: Norad video capture

A Russian fighter jet, model Sukhoi Su-35, passed only a few meters away from a military aircraft of the United States, type F-16.

The incident occurred a week ago, but was made public by the United States only on Monday, September 30.

“On September 23, 2024, NORAD aircraft executed a safe and disciplined interception of a Russian military aircraft in the Alaska area. The maneuver performed by a Russian Su-35 aircraft was unsafe and unprofessional and put the lives of all pilots at risk – not something you see in professional military aviation,” said General Gregory Guillot (USA), commander of NORAD (Defense Command North American Airlines).
