Two hundred people actively participate and learn about the future Parc de La Vila project

“Participate and let your imagination fly” day at the future La Vila Park

Nearly two hundred people attended this afternoon the ‘Participate and let your imagination fly’, a family day with an informative and participatory aim, organized by Martorell Town Council. The event disseminated the project of the new Parc de la Vila and all the activities that will take place there. To this end, fun activities, tents and informative walks and a survey have been organised. The planned balloon launch activity had to be postponed due to the wind.

The day was held at different points around the old children’s home of Pont del Diable and the track that goes towards the confluence between Llobregat and Anoia. A point that allows a broad perspective of the strip of land – between Carrer Revall and del Riu and the right bank of the Anoia – where the intervention is planned. The councilors of Participation Àngels Soria and Urban Agenda and Urban Planning Albert Fernández have explained the project to the competition.

“It’s been a family day, where the aim is to make the public aware of the project we want to take forward and that everyone can participate in the design and uses that this future project of the Parc de La Vila will have”, highlighted councilor Soria. In total, “we have registered 6 groups of 30 people, 180 people in total, to which have been added others who have decided to come and participate in the dynamic and contribute their ideas”.

Àngels Soria, regidora de Participació de l'Ajuntament de Martorell
“Participate and let your imagination fly” day at the future La Vila Park

Along the route, there was a play area and juggling circus for children, an information point, a video of the project, explanations on the ground and “a dynamic where people were able to explain what ideas ‘uses they have for the Park’, through a participation notebook.

Àngels Soria, regidora de Participació de l'Ajuntament de Martorell

The hot air balloon ride had to be suspended due to the wind that was blowing, as it involved a risk. The Participation Office announces that the activity will take place at a later date, and that it will conveniently communicate this to the people who were signed up.

One of the big projects of the coming years in Martorell

The future Parc de La Vila is one of Martorell’s major projects in the coming years, with the intention of creating a large green space in the old town that will allow the creation of a new central space. With nearly 30,000 square meters of surface, it will become larger than the Central Park of Sínia. It plans to incorporate a mota between the houses and the vegetable garden, with a viewpoint route of more than 500 meters in length that will rise between 2.5 and 4 meters above the fluvial space and the vegetable garden. It will also include recreational, sports and biodiversity spaces.

“Participate and let your imagination fly” day at the future La Vila Park

The action will allow the improvement of the river’s natural environment and the protection of the urban facade. In this sense, it is included in the project ‘New green infrastructure to reduce the risk of flooding in the urban environment of the neighborhood of the Villa’, which has the support of the Fundación Biodiversidad del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO) within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PRTR), financed by the European Union-NextGenerationEU.

Work is scheduled to begin in October. The first phase will correspond to the construction of a new green infrastructure to protect the urban front of the Vila neighborhood against the risk of flooding, as well as the environmental improvement of the banks of the final section of the Anoia river. In a second stage, the Parc de la Vila will be given shape and finally the area of ​​Riu and Revall streets will be redeveloped, with the improvement of existing services, the creation of new sidewalks and the improvement of mobility to transform the current urban facade .
