Two zodiac signs enter a new era with the change of the Nodes of Destiny on January 11, 2025

Pe January 11, 2025the lunar nodes switch zodiac signs for the first time since 2023, marking a pivotal moment for two signs that will enter a powerful new era.

What does the changing of the lunar nodes represent?

Astrologer Sai Avani describes this transition as a time of “deep realignment,” especially for the signs Virgin and Fish. The North Node, which indicates spiritual lessons and gifts to explore, enters Pisces, while the South Node, which signifies things to be released, enters Virgo, writes

These energies will deeply influence both signs until July 2026, giving them the opportunity to overcome old patterns and redefine their goals.

Signs entering a new era in 2025:

1. Virgo

Virgos are known for their constant analysis and need for control. The transit of the South Node into Virgo on January 11, 2025 gives them a chance to break free from these tendencies.

According to astrologer Sai Avani:

  • Virgos must learn to relinquish control and embrace a more intuitive and relaxed lifestyle.
  • Rigor and overwork will be replaced by openness to flexibility and spontaneity.

The astrologer points out that the key lesson for Virgo during this period is to afford to be more guided by intuition and less of the need to have everything under control.

2. Fish

For Pisces, the year 2025 brings a period of intuitive and creative expansion. The North Node enters their sign, giving them the opportunity to explore their spiritual potential and turn their dreams into reality.

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According to Avani:

  • Pisces must find the balance between dreaming and pragmatismwithout getting lost in the search for perfection.
  • They will have an opportunity to acknowledge and release harmful patterns which prevented them from advancing.

Although it can be intimidating to let go of the need for control, Pisces will learn to approach change with self-compassionreducing stress and avoiding burnout.

Key Lessons for Virgo and Pisces

Both signs will go through a process of deep introspection.

  • Virgin: Will learn to let things flow naturally and accept imperfections.
  • Fish: They will learn to balance dreaming with reality, keeping their dreams alive without neglecting their practical needs.

Astrologer Avani emphasizes the importance self-compassion for these signs, noting that self-care will be essential to progress without burning out.

The change of lunar nodes on January 11, 2025 represents a unique opportunity for transformation for Virgo and Pisces. By recognizing and releasing old patterns, these signs will be able to discover their true potential and achieve their goals with a new perspective.

Whether it’s letting go of the need for control or balancing dream with reality, 2025 is a year of spiritual growth and realignment of destiny.
