Tyumen Region Looks to New Investors

Foreign businessmen plan to initially produce pipes for drilling in the Bogandinsky industrial park, and then produce more complex oil and gas equipment and machines. Investment agency specialists are charged with helping them register a legal entity, and provide tax and accounting support. In general, the Chinese have experience working with Russian territories – for example, they are successful in Kuzbass coal mine projects.

“The company rented an office in the Dom Oborony area, and chose an industrial park in the Tyumen region as a production site. Once the documents are completed, they will begin to actively invest in the construction of the plant. The people are, of course, consistent and unhurried. I think we will be able to see the final result in a year and a half. By the way, we are going to China to analyze the capacities and evaluate the approaches. I would like to add that the agency has had many agreements with foreigners in its history, but so far they have all been limited to paper. Here we have advanced much further. The investment portfolio of Taihe Shaanxi is up to 400 million yuan,” Nikolai Purtov, CEO of the investment agency, told a correspondent of RG.

This example is very indicative, first of all, because the region cares about everyone – both large and small businesses, as long as they create jobs, pay taxes, and generally participate in the economic development of the territory. Purtov usually puts it this way: the agency does the same job for all investors, because through trial and error it has developed a single set of assistance tools that is applicable to absolutely everyone.

At the presentation session “Support for an investment project in the Tyumen region: best practice” at the TNF forum, the head of the investment agency presented this mechanism to the audience. It is called “Project Office”: in five working days and not an hour more, its specialists help a future investor resolve a range of serious issues – both on land and on technical connection to networks. Moreover, it does not matter at all where a person is physically located – via videoconferencing, he connects to the dialogue, asks questions, listens to how his project is progressing in the region. Both in electric power and gas, the office’s experts help recalculate inflated loads, formalize and coordinate routes, and of course, they monitor the deadlines for completing assignments until the very end. It is not for nothing that ASI called this practice the best in the country.

Photo: Tatyana Andreeva/RG

“The gasification program is not connected with the investment program in any way. Because gasification relates to residential buildings, and investments relate to business. Where there is housing, there the networks are pulled. Production remains in the opposite direction… Now we are busy trying to synchronize these plans and make life easier for entrepreneurs,” Nikolai Purtov emphasized.

Tyumen Oblast confidently demonstrates active involvement in creating a favorable investment climate not only for foreigners, but also for its own, locals. Moreover, it offers carte blanche to rural municipalities. At another presentation session, “Industrial Potential of Small Towns,” district heads spoke about their plans for working with business.

All the managers are open to dialogue with future employers for villagers. For example, in the Zavodoukovsky urban district there are now 15 investment sites. The village of Novaya Zaimka unexpectedly became attractive – there are many empty buildings with the necessary communications and access roads – all this is a Soviet legacy. At least now you can open an asphalt concrete plant, roadside service, noted the head Svetlana Kasenova. In Yalutorovsk, according to the assurances of the head Vyacheslav Smelik, there is an interesting place of 14 hectares near the airfield. Yalutorovsk district, by the way, chose the “berry king” of the Tyumen region Elmar Ibukov to strengthen its positions – there his specialists cultivate 200 hectares of land planted with currants and sea buckthorn. Ishim offers fourteen infrastructure sites. In the Tyumen region, said the head Olga Zimina, there are 88 investment projects worth 29.7 billion rubles and two thousand jobs. And there’s more to come! In August, the governor of the Tyumen region, Alexander Moor, signed an order to form the third industrial park “Moskovsky” on 72 hectares.

The regional Duma deputy Alexey Salmin gave an interesting interpretation of the trend of recent years: now the whole world is rushing to single-story development outside the metropolises. Demand for suburban real estate rentals in Russia has doubled, individual housing construction has exceeded 50 percent of the total volume… Linking your destiny to rural areas is not just fashionable, but also promising, including within the framework of the health-preserving agenda. Therefore, investors have the green light here, and the “Project Office” will support them.

Source: rg.ru