“Ukraine must attack Russian territories!”

Since there is a lack of budgetary resources to support Ukraine as soon as possible, the German Ministry of Defense wants to release almost 400 million euros for the necessary weapons package. Among other things, the German federal government wants to finance ammunition, 20 Marder armored vehicles, as well as reconnaissance and attack drones, which should be effectively used on the battlefield this year, wrote the The world. According to former diplomat Wolfgang Ischinger, during their meeting with Zelenskiy, he confirmed that he has a plan that he wants to present to American decision-makers and presidential candidates first.

Wolfgang Ischinger has been the head of the Munich Security Conference for many years (Photo: dpa Picture-Alliance/AFP/Christophe Gateau)

The former diplomat said that part of the “victory plan” is the lifting of the firing range restriction on Western weapon systems, which could balance the balance of power in the Russian-Ukrainian war.

Left-wing politician Gregor Gysi said German aid to Ukraine had not reached broad sections of the population and criticized the federal government’s recent commitment to further arms shipments.

Why not seriously discuss the ceasefire and peace talks?

– asked Gysi, who thinks that this would be the best for Ukraine, which is suffering from the war.

“In Germany, they have not yet sufficiently understood that it is about us, and not some kind of “charity action”, emphasized Ischinger, who believes that it is time to make it clear to the Russian side that their launch sites and airports will be attacked if they continue bombing Ukrainian civilian objects from there.

He believed that the passive policy should be ended and pressure should be put on Putin by lifting the range restrictions. “Ukraine is shooting at military targets, and Putin is shooting at civilians and critical infrastructure,” summed up political scientist Frank Sauer.

Source: magyarnemzet.hu