Ulyanovsk instrument makers know what awaits them ahead

How did you perform this year?

Vladimir Kupyrin: This year, the production volume has decreased slightly. If in 2022 and 2023 we managed to demonstrate its confident growth, this did not happen now. Due to the change in financing, our regular customers have reduced the volume of purchases of devices.

Evgeny Bushev: At the same time, this year turned out to be quite interesting. The volume of orders decreased, but in monetary terms they reached the level of last year. We mastered nine new products for new customers – Russian and Belarusian enterprises in various industries. Thus, we prepared new types of equipment for oil workers, which they previously purchased only abroad, this is especially important for mining companies. We improved cryogenic sensors. If before they could measure high pressure values ​​up to 250 MPa, now we have taught them to measure small values ​​– from 10 kPa. Such sensors are in great demand, for example, when working with liquid nitrogen and oxygen.

So, as soon as a company has a certain need, you react and give it a new device?

Evgeny Bushev: This does not happen and cannot happen. We develop and manufacture the device on our own initiative and at our own expense, test it, and only then offer it to potential customers, posting information on the website, publishing in catalogs, presenting at exhibitions. Moreover, when large customers do not appear for a long time, we create a reserve for their future orders. And we almost always guess! As soon as the customer appears, we send finished products in a short time.

Vladimir Kupyrin: As a rule, customers understand well what we produce and offer to modify our devices in accordance with their technical requirements, including making changes to the design of existing sensors. We manage to solve most of these problems.

Evgeny Bushev: Leading corporations know our capabilities. Therefore, they offer to make such sensors that other instrument makers simply cannot create. Thus, we actively cooperate with companies engaged in vacuum, control and measuring equipment. We purchased special equipment from them for verification and calibration of sensors, including hydraulic intelligent pressure controllers (HIC), designed for automated pressure tasks. Their implementation in production increased the productivity of our tests several times! We purchased and installed a modern pressure gauge with an accuracy of 0.005 percent. I would like to note that not everyone has such equipment.

Vladimir Kupyrin: The new equipment has enabled us to produce sensors with higher accuracy, which are now in high demand in industry. Since precise measurements allow enterprises to save significant funds.

In particular, we supply sensors to housing and communal services, including Moscow and St. Petersburg. We began to develop and manufacture sensors for installation on cars, agricultural machinery, as well as special high-temperature sensors.

It is known that you have started repairing your sensors, although you have not done this before?

Evgeny Bushev: It’s time to do some repairs. Previously, companies disposed of devices that had served their time, but now they offer us to restore them. I think that the owners of repaired sensors are taking a big risk. The element base of sensors that have served their allotted time gets old, breaks down, and the device can no longer work normally. Of course, we fulfill repair orders, but we only provide a six-month warranty.

Are you updating your equipment fleet?

Vladimir Kupyrin: Of course. We already mentioned the updated laboratory above.

We also purchased six new CNC lathes this year and are installing them in place of the old automatic lathes in the premises of the former automatic section, where we plan to place up to 10 CNC lathes.

So the story of MIDAUSA continues!

Does your team fully correspond to modern realities?

Evgeny Bushev: Quite. We are moving forward as a united team. Otherwise, we would not be able to produce the high-precision products that are in demand. We are constantly increasing wages, and have doubled them in three years. The output per employee has also doubled. And not due to higher prices for old products, but due to the development and production of new reliable high-precision devices with a corresponding price. Which successfully operate on the ground, underground, on the water, under water, in the air and in space.

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Source: rg.ru