Unique Cave Discovered on Moon: ‘A Place for a Human Base’

Data from NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) allowed researchers to pinpoint a cave that potentially could become a lunar base for explorers.

As experts explained after analyzing the radar data, the underground structure is a promising place“because it offers refuge from the harsh surface environment and can support long-term human exploration of the Moon.”

Findings shared July 15, 2024 by scientists regarding data obtained by the current on board the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Mini-RF instrument in 2010. The main goal of Mini-RF is to search for underground deposits of water ice, but researchers also obtain other information in this way. The radar images analyzed were taken in the area of ​​Mare Tranquillitatis (Sea of ​​Tranquility) — the site of the Apollo 11 landing in 1969.

Researchers from the University of Trento in Italy, analyzing terrain data, discovered that there was an entrance that led to a subsurface cave about 80 meters long, about 130-170 meters deep and about 45 meters wide. The cave system is located approximately 150 meters below the surface.

Source: geekweek.interia.pl