Unspeakable heartbreak at the funeral of 36-year-old Areti, her children and parents are tragic figures – different

The last goodbye to 36-year-old Areti, who was murdered by her estranged husband in Amfilochia, was said by relatives and friends, in yet another femicide that shocked the whole of Greece.

The pain was unspeakable at the Holy Church of Agia Paraskevi in ​​Amfilochia on Monday afternoon (15/07/2024), where the funeral of Areti took place, the mother of two minor children whose life was taken by their own father and then committed suicide.

Her daughter and son as well as her parents, tragic figures of this unimaginable drama that has shocked the local community, cannot believe the evil that has befallen them and say goodbye to their loved one forever.

At the side of the family, relatives, friends and neighbors to say the last “goodbye” to the young woman who was murdered with a rifle by the hands of her estranged partner.

Lament at the funeral of the deceased Areti

Children who are prematurely deprived of maternal care are in a very bad psychological state, while they will forever carry the heavy burden of a double loss that occurred in the most horrible way.

The Chronicle of Horror

The best man of the couple in Amfilochia describes frame by frame the last minutes before the femicide. Before the estranged husband kills Virtue and then kills himself. In fact, according to the Star, he said that the perpetrator also threatened him with the carbine. After all, he was the first one to see it when he got home. The minutes that followed were dramatic. The best man was trying to stop the 42-year-old. Even the neighbors could hear the voices.

The couple’s best man states in his testimony about the threat he received: “I told him again: ‘What are you going to do?’ Then he pointed the gun at me and threatened me. He stood through the passenger window and from there fired the second shot at Areti.

I then saw him walk towards the silver car outside the house and seconds later I heard the gunshot. I lost it and ran to the police station.”

Source: www.diaforetiko.gr