Up to 5000 Euros ‘automatic’ fine for pirates: AGCOM announces crackdown on pezzotto

L’Communications Regulatory Authority (AGCOM) announced a Significant crackdown on piracy in sports streaming sector. Massimiliano Capitanio, Commissioner of the Authority, illustrated a new collaboration protocol between the Authority, the Attorney General’s Office of Rome and the Guardia di Finanza, aimed at effectively combat the illicit use of copyrighted content.

The core of the new initiative is the application of substantial financial penalties for end-users who access pirated broadcasts: the fines, which can vary from 150 to 5000 eurosaim to discourage the consumption of illegal content, in particular football matches broadcast without authorisation.

Fight against piracy: up to 5000 euro fine for those who use illegal content

Captain has underlined the importance of this measure, highlighting how it is necessary to protect the entertainment and sports industry from significant financial losses. The collaboration between the different institutions will allow for a rapid exchange of information, making the identification of offenders more efficient and the almost “automatic” sanctions. AGCOM has declared that it has already obtained tangible results: in the first days of the football championship, Over 1000 domains and 500 IP addresses blocked involved in illegal content distribution, numbers increased in the following weeks:

“When the sanctions on end users come, we don’t want it to be said that this is an undemocratic crackdown.”declared the AGCOM commissioner. “Piracy is a crime, and it is right that those who benefit from it pay the consequences.”

AND intervened the CEO of Lega Serie A also spoke about the topic, Louis of Servantwho launched an appeal to viewers, inviting them not to fuel piracy and to understand the damage that this practice causes to the football and entertainment industry in general. The aim of these measures is twofold: on the one hand, it seeks to educate the public on the illegal nature of pirate streaming; on the other, it aims to create an effective deterrent through concrete sanctions. The hope is that this strategy will contribute to significantly reduce the phenomenon of piracypreserving the economic value of television rights and ensuring a sustainable future for the sports entertainment industry.

In addition to the main news, it is important to point out two recent decrees by AGCOM (Who e Who) fueled by as many reports from Sky Italia, which further strengthen the fight against piracy: the first precautionary order concerns the disabling of access to the site http://sienzaite.dtsinc.ccaccused of illegally broadcasting Premier League content; second orders site block for the unauthorized broadcast of matches from various UEFA competitions. In both cases, AGCOM has requested internet service providers to proceed with DNS blocking within 24 hours of notification, with automatic redirection to an information page that leads to the same measure.

Source: www.hwupgrade.it