Used winter tyres, what to check before purchasing

Silvia Giorgi

automotive specialist

Silvia Giorgi is a web content writer specialized in automotive, FIA accredited. He has collaborated with national and international newspapers.

Published: October 11, 2024 11:21 amUpdated: October 11, 2024 11:21 am

Winter tires are an expense that arises every autumn for motorists. This year, the temperatures are quite high but the weather prepares us for a further drop in temperatures which can cause problems with the car’s tires and consequently affect its safety on the road. At this point, you have to take action and use snow tyres. Nowadays, it is possible to save because online it is possible to find companies and individuals who sell used trains at extremely advantageous prices. This option is certainly attractive for the wallet, however it is advisable to pay attention to some characteristics of the ones you want to purchase, in order to make sure that you are not endangering yourself or others and not falling for a scam.

A summer with winter tires: good idea?

Winter tyres, also called “snow tyres”, guarantee greater grip on the asphalt, making driving safe and comfortable on all types of terrain and in all weather conditions. Compared to summer ones, in fact, tires designed for winter have a deeper tread with wider sipes and a particular tread. Furthermore, the rubber they are made of is also functional even at low temperatures. Given the importance of these tyres, you might be tempted to keep the same set of tires even in summer, given that they were probably purchased just a few months earlier, perhaps by investing in the best brands of summer tyres. While there is no law in Italy that prohibits the use of tires of one type during other seasons provided they have a speed category equal to or greater than that indicated in the registration document, this choice is not advisable. Here’s why:

  • precisely because of their shape, winter tires make driving easier uncomfortable during the summer;
  • the safety is guaranteed by the correct use and exchange of tire sets. The winter ones, in fact, should preferably be mounted below their optimal temperature of 7 degrees centigrade;
  • summer tires allow you to save fuel.

Furthermore, let’s not forget that summer tires are much more subject to wear and when changing gear, it is advisable to check their wear with a few tricks.

What to check for a safe used vehicle

As temperatures drop, it is therefore necessary to purchase a set of winter tyres. As we said at the beginning, second-hand goods wink at the wallet but, to avoid falling into a scam, it is good to make sure of some characteristics:

  • l’age of tires cannot exceed ten years from their production, preferably if those purchased are less than six years old. You can check the production date of the ones we intend to buy with DOT code present on the tire shoulder;
  • the measures must be approved by the manufacturer e respect the load and speed indices indicated in the vehicle registration document. Speed ​​is easily discovered if you know how. It is also advisable to remember that the tires on the same axle must be identical;
  • check it state of wear of the tread. By law, the thickness must not be less than 1.6 mm but industry experts have defined this measure as insufficient. The recommended thickness is therefore 4 mm for summer tires and 3 for winter ones;
  • il side of the tread it must not present suspicious swellings or cracks.
