Using images from space, a murder 10 years ago in the LPR was solved

– The work of criminologists, without exaggeration, allows us to solve the most complicated crimes, regardless of the period when they were committed. Investigators are armed with thermal imagers, locators, drones, polygraphs and other modern forensic tools. Criminals are sometimes found not only by fingerprints, but also by digital and scent trails. In our practice, there was a case when we even had to use space technologies,” said David Osipov.

After the liberation of Stanitsa Luganskaya from Ukrainian militants, an elderly woman filed a statement with the investigative department. She said that her son was killed in November 2014, but the perpetrator could not be brought to justice.

It turned out that the man owned a small store of construction materials and unknown persons planted explosives in the trading premises. During the explosion, the businessman received multiple shrapnel wounds. The victim could not speak and could only move his hand slightly. Before his death, he was able to draw a sign – a make of a German car. This later became one of the main “clues” for investigators.

During the investigation of the criminal case, the involvement of an acquaintance of her son was established. The men often clashed, and on the day of the explosion, the suspect’s foreign car was near the store for a long time and the driver was observing the situation. The accused categorically denied his guilt, convincing officers of the Russian Investigative Committee that the hardware store had come under artillery fire.

Forensic scientists requested and received archival materials from remote sensing of the Earth from space. The study showed that the detonation of the explosive device occurred not outside, but inside the store. Irrefutable evidence made it possible to charge the attacker with committing murder in a generally dangerous manner. The criminal case is already being considered by the court.

The most important mission is carried out by ICR employees in the zone of a special military operation. They carefully collect irrefutable evidence of crimes committed by Ukrainian militants against civilians. Forensic investigators work in places where the enemy continues to shell. This work requires not only the highest professionalism, but also personal courage and bravery.

Photo: Press service of the Russian Investigative Committee for the LPR

The Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia has collected the evidence base for the commission of genocide during the Great Patriotic War on the territory of the Lugansk People’s Republic.

In August 1942, the fascists organized a prisoner of war camp on the territory of the Trinity Village Council. Weakened by hunger and cold, beatings and hard physical labor, prisoners were killed and even buried alive. Attempts by collective farmers to help them and bring them food were met with a brutal reaction from the camp guards. The prisoners were given only millet and barley, which they were forced to eat raw. It was strictly forbidden to bury the dead, which led to the spread of various diseases. By the time of liberation, of the three thousand people held in the camp, only 1,800 remained alive.

Photo: Press service of the Russian Investigative Committee for the LPR

Analysis of archival materials, interrogations of witnesses and victims became further confirmation of the commission of massacres aimed at the complete destruction of local residents as an ethnic, racial and religious group.

Help “RG”

On October 19, 1954, by decree of the USSR Prosecutor General Roman Rudenko, the instruction “On the work of a criminal prosecutor” was approved. The document defined the responsibilities of an agency employee and outlined recommendations for solving and investigating crimes. This is how the professional holiday of experts appeared – the Day of Education of the Forensic Science Service.
