USPTU unites international students from all over the world

Firstly, the prestige and reputation of the leading multidisciplinary oil and gas university in the country, where today not only oil workers are trained, but also geologists, chemists, biotechnologists, ecologists, builders, tourism managers, economists, IT and other specialists. The university offers more than 300 educational programs of bachelor’s, specialist, master’s and secondary vocational education. In addition to the special status of a flagship university of Russia, USPTU is the only oil and gas university included in the federal program “Priority 2030”, receiving a special part of the grant for the development of scientific research in this industry.

Secondly, foreign citizens can enroll and study at the university for free. As Nail Chanyshev, Vice-Rector for International Development at USPTU, explained, citizens of Kyrgyzstan have a unique opportunity to become students of Ufa Oil University not only under the quotas of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science for foreigners, but also on a general basis, by passing the university’s internal exams in specialized subjects. They are assessed on a 100-point scale, like the Unified State Exam. In addition, the program for the resettlement of compatriots continues to operate.

For those who do not know Russian well, Ufa Oil has special preparatory courses. Those who wish can also receive education fully or partially in English. Traditionally, the largest number of students study in English-language programs in the field of oil and gas, chemical engineering, mechatronics, artificial intelligence, energy and automation.

Another big plus of studying at Ufa State Petroleum Technical University is that all first-year foreign students are placed in university dormitories near the academic buildings, which saves students time and money. They are immediately “taken under the wing” by volunteers from the service for helping foreign students adapt: ​​they meet them, help them solve issues with mobile communications, buying things, and getting into a dormitory. And after their first acquaintance with the city, they support them in literally everything, so it is much easier for the guys to adapt to new conditions.

Numerous cultural and sports festivals also help foreigners integrate into student life.

– Each country has its own traditions and customs. Therefore, for the social adaptation of foreign students, we hold days of national cultures. The International Winter Games have become traditional, where students and teachers participate in cross-country skiing together. The World Cup in football among foreign students, the festivals of national cuisines and international art “Nauruz”, KVN and other events are held annually, – the university said.

By the way, students have access to a unique sports infrastructure.

For those who want to prove themselves in science, USPTU has also created all the conditions. Thanks to the developed material and technical base, modern laboratories and experienced teachers, students conduct scientific research, win competitions and grants. Today, Neftyanoy is a member of the Eurasian Scientific and Educational Center of the world level, as well as the operator of the federal project on carbon polygons, is part of the Scientific Center of the world level for the rational development of liquid hydrocarbon reserves of the planet, and is developing an engineering center.

But the main advantage of studying at Ufa State Petroleum Technical University is the high employment rate. The demand for young specialists – graduates of Ufa Oil University exceeds the supply. After all, the university implements educational programs jointly with the largest companies Rosneft, Gazprom, Transneft, SIBUR, Lukoil. Many students find employment already from the moment of their industrial training, because within the framework of the industrial training model they work full-time, receiving a scholarship, a salary, and social benefits.

– Each of our foreign graduates has the opportunity to find employment in Russia. Citizens of Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan actively use this: many of them work in Russian oil and gas companies after completing their studies, – the university noted.

This year, 229 foreign students graduated from Ufa State Petroleum Technical University. 20 students received diplomas with honors. Among them is Al-Havi Ayman Ahmed Mohammed from the Republic of Yemen. Having completed his master’s degree at the Institute of Oil and Gas Business, he became the three thousandth foreign graduate of Ufa Oil and has already received a residence permit.

– Ufa is like a second home to me. I have lived here for seven years, I have many friends, and I have never felt like an outsider here, – Aiman ​​admits.

By the way, upon graduation, foreign students receive not only diplomas from the hands of the university rector Oleg Baulin, but also albums with photographs capturing the brightest days at the university.

– We started mass training of foreign specialists at Ufa State Petroleum Technical University in 1990, when they were representatives of the Republic of Cuba. We have already graduated more than 3,000 foreign students. If earlier most of them studied at the Mining and Oil and Technology Faculties, today we see great interest in studying IT specialties, materials science and construction areas. By the way, foreigners study at our Lyceum, and in secondary vocational education programs, and in master’s and postgraduate programs, defend dissertations and work with us as teachers. Such complexity once again confirms that Ufa State Petroleum Technical University is more than an oil university, more than a university. You can see for yourself by visiting our website, social networks, or by coming to us in Ufa, – Oleg Baulin emphasized.


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