Very open letter from USA to citizen Klaus Werner Iohannis

Citizen Klaus Werner Iohannis,
My name is Grigore L. Culian, Romanian-American citizen (in this order, not the other way around!), Romanian-American journalist (in this order, not the other way around!) editor, director, founder of the oldest active publication printed in Romanian in New York, “New York Magazin”, collaborator.

I did not start this letter with “Dear Sir” for several reasons. The first would be that I do NOT respect you because of the way you turned the office of president into a tool to cover a long series of crimes committed before and after assuming the two mandates of the head of state. I didn’t vote for you either in 2014 or 2019, and the fact that I added the phrase “President of Romania” to the KWI name is due to the naive, undeserved vote given by a people you treated with defiance, arrogance and cynicism!

I condemn you, citizen Klaus Werner Iohannis, because now, at the end of two terms as president, you are trying to ensure immunity before the Justice with the help of external and/or internal relations, defying the Romanian Constitution and grossly violating the rules of common sense! First you tried to get a position in NATO and the EU, where you were rejected by your masters on the grounds of incompetence. Then you hoped that you would be “extracted” by those you served and put in a warm place at a NATO or EU institution, which would have ensured your immunity, as happened with the former president Traian Băsescu, Laura Codruța Koveși or Vasile Blaga. Now you are trying to fraudulently obtain a position as a senator – possibly as President of the Senate! – with the help of a pack of blackmailable gangsters who pollute/populate the Romanian Parliament! You won’t succeed this time either!

I condemn you, citizen Klaus Werner Iohannis, for sending to Washington an ambassador-waiter, Andrei Muraru, whose mission is to defend your interests and his, NOT the Romanian people’s! The last “diplomatic” deception orchestrated by the servant – the snowman Andrei Muraru happened during the visit to the UN General Assembly, where the Romanian-American journalists (in this order, not the other way around!) did not receive invitations and/or credentials! You traveled by luxury plane, with which you took your wife around the world, wasting tens of thousands of dollars/euro! You were accommodated in one of the most luxurious hotels in New York, and the bill was paid with the money of the Romanians who are silent and swallow your laziness as a presidential nabob, while their houses are taken by the waters following the floods! That means being callous and arrogant with a people who gave you an undeserved gift: 10 years of huzur at the Cotroceni Palace!

Citizen Klaus Werner Iohannis, in order to honorably get out of the situation in which you indulge yourself, you should: 1. Respect the Final and Irrevocable Judgment of the High Court and pay “immediately” the amount of 300,000 euros owed to the Romanian state following the trial in which you were found guilty of having fraudulently appropriated two buildings in Sibiu! 2. To give up the idea of ​​evading Justice with the help of a position abroad or in the country, which would ensure your immunity! 3. To submit to the investigation of the way in which you “illegally obtained the recognition of the right of succession over the huge fortune of the German Ethnic Group (GEG), an organization declared criminal and condemned internationally, a fact which constitutes a crime in a continued form and resulted in the confiscation of the state Romanian”, as the journalist Sorin Roșca Stănescu pointed out!

Citizen Klaus Werner Iohannis, the position of president obliges you to be the first guarantor of compliance with the Constitution and the laws of the country, so it does not give you the right to make exceptions to obtain personal advantages! How can Romanians trust the judiciary, when the first person in the state does not respect the final court decisions and tries to hide behind immunity?!

I end this letter here, not before publishing the Communiqué that will appear on the front page of the “New York Magazin” newspaper – the October 2024 edition: “The New York Magazin newspaper requests the Romanian Parliament, the Ministry of Justice and the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) to suspend through the National Referendum, the investigation and prosecution of President Klaus Werner Iohannis, for acts of corruption and acts of high treason in favor of foreign powers, all directed against the Romanian people!”

New York, September 27, 2024
