Video document of the brutal beating of the 14-year-old girl by 30 minors – different

A video document of the brutal beating of the 14-year-old girl in Glyfada by a group of 30 minors last Saturday night (21.09.24) is brought to light by

As you can see in the video document below, a group of underage girls approach the 14-year-old outside shopping centers in the center of Glyfada, where she is with her friends.

Suddenly, a girl from the group hits her from behind in the head and then punches and kicks her in front of other minors, who just watch without even intervening, until the 14-year-old falls to the ground unconscious from the wood.

It is noted that the girl has injuries on her head, face, arms and legs, she is in pain all over her body and is in a state of shock.

In fact, her friend reported to that the violent, bloody episode stopped as soon as passers-by shouted “the police are coming”. According to her, there have been fights for five months and the girl has been receiving threats.

A person from the close environment of the child who spoke to describes everything that happened on the night of terror for the 14-year-old.

“Come get me” were her first words. The savage beating took place when the girl had gone for a walk in Glyfada. Her family called her to see if she was all right with the girl telling them she couldn’t talk at the time and hung up on them.

Then she didn’t answer the phone at all so the parents got upset and decided to go find her.

“Everything happened within an hour. 30 minors were looking for her in Glyfada, among whom were ten black-clad boys. The girl was with two of her friends and they bullied her with shouts, screams and threats.

Then the girl was taken by force to a dark place, separating her from her group, and they attacked her from behind, hitting her on the head and throwing her unconscious to the ground,” the man from the close family tells

Report: Efi Fanara

