VIDEO MrBeast, the most famous YouTuber in the world, spent 7 days at Salina Turda and explored the place together with other YouTubers. The video garnered millions of views within hours

VIDEO MrBeast, the most famous YouTuber in the world, spent 7 days at Salina Turda and explored the place together with other YouTubers. The video garnered millions of views within hours

MrBeast – James Stephen, 26 years old, the most famous YouTuber in the world with 320 million subscribers, spent 7 days at Salina Turda with other famous online video content creators and explored one of the most spectacular tourist attractions in world as an “underground city”.

The video published on Saturday night by MrBeast on YouTube, titled “7 days of exploring an underground city”, with a duration of 20 minutes, collected 10 million views in just three hours.

The video can be watched here:

“This city is built inside a mine that dates back over a thousand years. And with countless tunnels and unexplored rooms, who knows what horrors we’ll run into. These are the stairs that go down into the city. How old are these stairs? Older than us. All right, now that we’re down here, look how high the ceiling is. wow During the Second World War, when Romania was bombed, thousands of people hid here and now only a bunch of YouTubers are alive”.

On Instagram, where he has 61 million followers, MrBeast published a picture from the salt pan with the other participating YouTubers. In the background you can see the tourism promotion logo of Romania. “> just uploaded! This video is one of the funniest videos I’ve done lately :),” he wrote.

