Vladimir Putin promises the Russians millions of rubles if they move into the occupied territories of Ukraine

Saturday, September 21, 2024, 8:38 p.m

593 readings

The Russian occupiers flock to cut ribbons and steal funds in the occupied territories of Ukraine PHOTO / opendemocracy.net

The authorities of the Russian Federation will pay good money to Russians who will move to the occupied territories of the Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporozhye, Kherson regions and the autonomous republic of Crimea, informs the Center of National Resistance of Ukraine (CNS).

According to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, payments are promised primarily to seconded specialists who will bring their entire families with them to the occupied territories.

“The sums are considerable – from three to five million Russian rubles,” notes the Central Security Service.

The National Resistance Center added that the most wanted are workers who can mount defense lines and transport goods. Builders are still being sought for the “restoration” of infrastructure in Ukrainian cities destroyed by Russian troops.

At the same time, the Russian invaders in the occupied territories of Ukraine are creating separate detachments under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which will be responsible for filtering measures against the local population, reports the National Resistance Center.

The new “policemen” will carry out checks on the population and equipment, will “guard” the filtering camps where the enemy illegally detains Ukrainians suspected of “disloyalty”.

As CNS notes, in fact, the temporarily occupied territories have turned into an open-air prison, where the rules of a strategic objective are applied. And to maintain and strengthen this state, the invaders form similar units.

The Russian invaders have strengthened filtering measures in the temporarily occupied territories. First of all, it is a thorough check at checkpoints to find people with pro-Ukrainian positions.

Source: ziare.com