Volatile organic compounds: what are VOCs

We would all like to live in a safe, healthy and healthy environment every day. But how much do we know about potential substances that can put our health and the health of those around us at risk? Volatile organic compounds should be known to everyone. Just as they should be avoided by each of us. Knowing what VOCs are and (…)

We would all like to live in a safe, healthy and healthy environment every day. But how much do we know about potential substances that can put our health and the health of those around us at risk? THE volatile organic compounds they should be known by everyone. Just as they should be avoided by each of us. Know what are VOCs and why are they dangerous it is fundamental for people, so as to carefully choose every substance we come into contact with inside our home or our offices or the buildings we live in every day.

What does volatile organic compounds mean?

I Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC or VOC) they are chemical substances that can be present in the air we breathe every day, even inside our homes or offices. We cannot perceive them, but they are there and can represent a danger to human health.

Volatile organic components are chemical substances made up of different volatile molecules, which evaporate in the air at room temperature. They can be of natural origin, of anthropic origin, therefore caused by human activity, or even mixed. VOCs can in turn be distinguished into:

  • very volatile organic compounds (VVOCs)
  • semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOC

The sum of all VOCs gives the TVOC value (total volatile organic compounds).

What is meant by VOC?

VOC it is simply the English acronym that indicates volatile organic compounds, whose Italian acronym, however, is VOC. VOC stands, in fact, for volatile organic compounds and indicates chemical compounds of various nature, formed by molecules of different origins, which are characterized by volatility, the ability to evaporate easily in the air at room temperature.

What are volatile solvents?

Volatile solvents can be hydrocarbons, alcohols, aldehydes and organic acids. We can find these substances in solvents, liquid fuels, synthetic substances. But they can also form as a result of natural biological processes. At any time in the air we breathe at home or in closed places, we can find hundreds of individual compounds.

The release of volatile organic compounds can occur for several months after the installation or arrangement of the sources that produce them. Only for formaldehyde, however, the release of VOCs is continuous for many years.

Where are VOCs found?

VOCs are present in many products that we use every day at home and also in the construction materials used to build environments of all kinds. VOCs can be present in the cosmetic products we use every day, in the detergents used to clean the house, in the industrial mixtures used for furnishings such as glues, adhesives, solvents, in the paints we use to paint relatives in construction materials, in coatings, in the carpet.

How to understand if a substance is dangerous?

As we have already highlighted previously, these substances can be everywhere and are the cause of the so-called Sick Building Syndrome. VOCs are dangerous for our health and their harmfulness depends on the amount of their concentration in the environment and the duration of exposure to these substances.

In indoor environments, the polluting sources can be all the activities carried out by the people who live in those environments, but also their hygienic conditions, the furnishings chosen, the ventilation systems installed, the household appliances, the management and maintenance.

High concentrations of VOCs indoors can cause damage to the central nervous system, leading to cognitive dysfunction and neurological problems. And there are also substances recognized as carcinogenic to humans (such as benzene) or animals (such as carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, trichlorethylene and tetrachlorethylene).

How to eliminate volatile organic compounds?

Indoor VOC pollution should never be underestimated. We must not only protect ourselves from domestic pollution, but we must also pay maximum attention to the healthiness of the spaces inside our homes.

There is legislation in Italy that regulates its use. In fact, we must refer to Legislative Decree 152/2006 which establishes emission limits in certain activities, obligation to monitor and control emissions, assessment of conformity following works, solvent management plan. Other rules are established, however, by Legislative Decree 161/2006, which in turn implements the Directive 2004/42/EC. This text focuses, however, on varnishes, paints and bodywork products.

To limit exposure to VOCs and reduce their presence, we must first of all better design the spaces where we live and adopt healthy lifestyles. During construction, renovation and design of living environments we must ask and verify that they are used VOC free certified materialsto respect the health of people and the planet. Less polluting solutions already exist.

Furthermore, adequate ventilation must be provided in all closed spaces, smoking must be avoided inside homes and offices, all heating or mechanical ventilation devices must be properly maintained and periodic checks and cleaning must be carried out.


Source: www.greenstyle.it