Voters want to ban party lotteries | Free Times

Published September 25, 2024 at 7:35 p.m

Domestic. A new measurement from Aftonbladet/Demoskop shows that support for banning party lotteries is strong.

As many as 66 percent of those surveyed believe that a ban is a good proposal, while only 17 percent oppose the idea.

Among Social Democrats (S) voters, 40 percent say they support a ban, which exceeds the 34 percent who want to keep the lotteries.

Revelations about the Social Democrats’ party lotteries, with dubious telemarketing methods used to sell tickets to elderly and confused people, have adversely affected the party’s image. According to the survey, 51 percent of the respondents have received a more negative image of the party, and even among the S voters themselves, 14 percent state that their view of the party has been negatively affected.

Johan Martinsson, head of opinion at Demoskop, tells Aftonbladet that the scandal makes it easier for the Tidö parties to push through a ban on party lotteries, as voter support is strong even within the opposition.
