Wacken 2024 live on MagentaTV and free on MagentaMusik

©Deutsche Telekom

MagentaTV will broadcast Wacken Open Air 2024 live, including a free live stream on MagentaMusik, TikTok and Facebook.

This year, MagentaTV is broadcasting the Wacken Open Air exclusively. The 33rd edition of the legendary heavy metal event in the municipality of the same name in Schleswig-Holstein was sold out within four and a half hours and will attract 85,000 fans from July 31 to August 3. They will experience around 200 bands on nine stages. This year’s headliners are the Scorpions, Korn and Amon Amarth.

Wacken on two MagentaTV channels and in stream

The metal festival will be shown exclusively on MagentaTV and on #dabeiTV, via free live stream on MagentaMusik and individual concerts on the social channels Facebook and TikTok. On MagentaTV, performances from the “Faster & Harder Stage” will be shown on channel 141 and from the “Louder Stage” (side stage) on channel 142. Tobi Wienke will host the main stream on channel 141. He will announce artists and provide additional information and impressions of the festival.

Wacken Open AirWacken Open Air
Photo: RTL / Deutsche Telekom/Danny Jungslund – For many decades, Wacken has been the heavy metal highlight for festival-goers worldwide

Scorpions before their 60th band anniversary

Several bands are celebrating their anniversaries at this year’s festival, or are about to do so. First and foremost the Scorpions, who will have written six decades of music history by 2025. The cult band from Hanover will perform on Thursday at 10.45 p.m. Another highlight on the program is Accept: 15 years ago, singer Mark Tornillo followed in the footsteps of the legendary Udo Dirkschneider and has been the voice of an absolute institution in German metal ever since. You can see them on Thursday at 8.30 p.m. Also celebrating their anniversary is the British band Raven, who have been delighting their fans for 50 years and can be seen in Wacken on Saturday from 12.45 p.m.

Telekom is giving away tickets for Wacken via Magenta Moments

From July 18, Telekom will be giving away tickets for the already sold-out metal highlight via Magenta Moments. Magenta Moments has been the Bonn-based company’s exclusive loyalty program for private customers since September 2022. All offers can be accessed within the MeinMagenta app via the heart symbol in the lower menu bar. All Telekom customers can download the MeinMagenta app free of charge from the App Store or Google Play Store.

Source: Deutsche Telekom AG

Source: www.digitalfernsehen.de