War between Voiculescu’s men. Bud Ciuvica calls Fiscul

Political Investigation Group (GIP), of Mugur Ciuvică, puts ANAF on the trail of Daniel Constantin (currently PNL), whom it accuses of leading “a luxurious life with properties and incomes that are not found in the wealth declarations”. Constantin, former protégé of Dan Voiculescu, was president of the Conservative Party, but parted ways with the media mogul.

“Why is Ciucă protecting Daniel Constantin?” Mugur Ciuvica’s organization is now asking.

We render the GIP position

“GIP requests PNL president Nicolae Ciucă to publicly explain how it is possible for a PNL parliamentarian, Daniel Constantin, to live a luxurious life with properties and income that are not found in the wealth declarations. GIP requested ANAF to tax with 70% undeclared income obtained from unidentified sources by Daniel Constantin.

On September 20, 2024, GIP sent ANAF o notification regarding the undeclared assets of Daniel ConstantinPNL deputy and president of PNL Teleorman. GIP requested ANAF to verify Daniel Constantin’s fiscal situation, considering the fact that there is evidence of the existence of undeclared income, obtained from unidentified sources.

According to his wealth declarations, Daniel Constantin and his family members own no real estate, no car and have no bank accounts. In reality, the PNL deputy owns a villa in one of the most luxurious residential complexes in Romania, in the Pipera area, and three luxury cars.

The income of the Constantin family does not justify the loans that its members grant to the companies they own, the expenses for the children’s private schools, the vacations in luxury destinations abroad.

Between May 2018 and December 2020, the Constantin family lived with rent in a villa in Pipera (similar to the one that Daniel Constantin would buy). Only the rent for this villa was higher than the income declared by Daniel Constantin.

Large sums of money, which significantly exceed the family income mentioned in the asset declarations of deputy Daniel Constantin, are used to finance the activities of the family companies. This allows the members of the Constantin family to, by evading the tax legislation and using the patrimony of the companies in which they are partners in their personal interest, to have a standard of living that far exceeds that corresponding to the realized and declared incomes.

The 223 square meter villa in Pipera where the Constantin family currently lives cost 415,100 Euros and was purchased in January 2021 by the Cameea Business Solutions company fully owned by Daniel Constantin. The villa was purchased under the pretext of carrying out the administrative and commercial activity of the company. In reality, it is used exclusively as a residence by the Constantin family, the company only having its registered office in the villa, with no activity. GIP made available to ANAF the statement given to the prosecutors by Scurtu Mihail, the administrator of Cameea Business Solutions, and a relative of the Constantin family. According to him “the building was and is used as a residence for the Constantin family”.

Scurtu, who is the driver of the Constantin family, is also one of the two employees of Cameea Business Solutions. According to the statement given to the prosecutors, the only activity of the company is carried out by him from his own home or from the premises of a business partner of Cameea Business Solutions.

The other employee of Cameea Business Solutions is, according to Scurtu, the housekeeper of the Constantin family.

As head of the PNL, but also as a candidate for the presidency, Nicolae Ciucă must publicly answer two questions:

  • How is it possible for a deputy and head of the PNL branch to own a villa in Pipera and luxury cars, without mentioning them in the wealth declaration?
  • How is it possible for his family to live a life of luxury on undeclared income?”

Source: www.cotidianul.ro