Warning about the flying insect that invades Europe and Spain that experts compare to annoying ticks

He problem who is living Spain With the proliferation of the Cases of West Nile virus fever are not unique to EuropeClimate change, the arrival of invasive species and, to a lesser extent, globalization itself are also behind the situation with the tiger mosquito does not only affect Spain.

In fact, alarm bells are ringing even in unexpected countries, judging by the fact that they have historically been cold climate territorieseven ice cream in some very specific seasonal periods.

This is what the Danish channel says News TV2 in a report in which it warns that, also in Denmarkwe must now think of mosquitoes as a risk factor like ticks -a plague that has always been warned about due to the dangerous effects of its bites-.

Usutu virus found for the first time in Denmark

According to the aforementioned information, the alarms have gone off among experts in that country when it was detected For the first time there, the presence of birds infected with the Usutu virus. “This means that Danes have to think that mosquito bites are more than just annoying and itchy“And this does not only apply to travel to tropical areas such as Asia, Africa and South America,” Rene Bødker, a senior researcher at the Department of Veterinary and Animal Science at the University of Copenhagen, told the aforementioned media outlet.

The matter does not stop there, and they also focus on other tropical diseases that are causing more than a headache in European countries – and numerous fatalities – such as the West Nile virus fever, which they explain that It not only impacts Spain, but has moved very close to the Danish border. and has already been found in northern Germany. They also cite the cases of dengue outbreaks registered in Italy or France last 2023.

Disinfection work in Coria del Río, part of the plan to combat the transmission of the West Nile virus by the tiger mosquito.Maria Jose Lopez / Europa Press via Getty Images

“It will become an increasingly bigger problem by 2050”

Europe is the continent experiencing the greatest increase in temperature. And there is currently a trend that is moving the temperature half a degree per decade, so It goes very fast“, explained Andreas Nyholm, a meteorologist for the same Danish channel.

Indeed, the increase in temperatures that continues to break records every year worldwide will translate into a breeding ground for these insects, combining rainfall and heat levels that are not typical in the area. “It is a threat that will become an increasingly bigger problem by 2050,” concludes the expert.

Source: www.huffingtonpost.es