Watch the fourth part of the series The Chinese Route – Belt around Bosnia and Herzegovina

23.09.2024. / 17:00

BANJALUKA – In the fourth part of the series The Chinese Road – Belt around Bosnia and Herzegovina, watch:

Foto: Printscreen

– What does the contract with Chinese companies on the reconstruction of the tram line in Sarajevo contain?

– How did Chinese companies export logs from Bosnia and Herzegovina?

– Who facilitated the illegal exploitation of stone in Herzegovina by Chinese companies?

– The construction of HPP Ulog, a globally sanctioned engaged Chinese company.

– Timely construction of the power plant in Zenica. A well-known scheme, a Chinese company, a loan from a bank from China, a power plant as collateral.

– Why is it difficult to follow the history of Chinese companies?

Watch the fourth part of the series The Chinese Route – Belt around Bosnia and Herzegovina

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