Water shortages during the summer point to a deep water crisis in Serbia

Photo: “Right to Water” initiative

The “Right to Water” initiative published maps with locations of water shortages in Serbia during July and August 2024. Data from the official websites of public utility companies were used to confirm restrictions and malfunctions.

The map shows 65 places throughout Serbia that were affected by water shortages during these two hottest months, either due to restrictions or failures in the water supply network. In addition to confirmed cases, locations reported by citizens were also recorded, for which, due to the lack of publicly available information, it was not possible to accurately determine whether it was a restriction or a malfunction.

“These data clearly show how the situation in Serbia with the management of water resources and basic communal services, such as water supply, is at a worrying level,” said Žaklina Živković from the “Right to Water” initiative.

As she added, the reasons for shortages and restrictions are different, but they all lead to one thing – weak institutions that do not recognize the seriousness of the water crisis and do not have enough human and material resources to solve it.

Springs, rivers and lakes are drying up, leaving many communities without water for drinking, agriculture and basic daily needs. According to the data of the initiative, water shortages are not the result of increased consumption by citizens, but are related to outdated infrastructure, inefficient institutions and the consequences of climate change.

The “Right to Water” initiative appeals to competent institutions to urgently take measures to ensure access to water as a basic human right. It is necessary to prioritize solving problems with the management of water resources and the water supply system in order to prevent further shortages.

Source: “Right to Water” Initiative

Source: energetskiportal.rs