We are already defending at 754 kilometers, the highest level of preparedness has been ordered for another 114 kilometers

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The forecasts turned out to be true, there was no significant amount of precipitation anywhere in the last two days, and we are still expecting rain-free weather, which will help the defense. At the time of the Lajta peak, the protection was successful, the situation there will improve, Viktor Orbán declared at the Friday morning briefing of the flood protection operative group.

The prime minister said that according to recent reports, the peak of the price wave will be in the Komárom area, and a slow decline is expected there as well. Yesterday we defended a length of 614 kilometers, now 754 kilometers. The highest degree of preparedness was ordered for another 114 kilometers. So far, all predictions are correct.

Yesterday, 50 more people were mobilized in the water sector, 600 more people were mobilized in disaster management, 150 more people were mobilized in the civil guard, a total of 6,149 professionals worked yesterday, which means an increase of 321 people. The number of volunteers is decreasing, the reason for which, according to Viktor Orbán, is that the dams are already at the raised level, and they are done with classic physical work. Volunteers can now help mainly in monitoring and patrolling. The danger does not go away with the topping off, dam breaks most often occur during the period of subsidence, which can be prevented by monitoring.

Viktor Orbán said that Pilismaró is also a difficult defensive location, 20,000 more sandbags were placed there yesterday. Alternative traffic routes are provided for the protection of highway 11. In Tahitófalu, the rate is 100 percent

  • Pilismaró is also a difficult defensive location, 20,000 more sandbags were placed there yesterday, and 99 percent is ready.

So far, we have had to deal with the upper section of the Danube, but we are now also looking under Budapest – the Prime Minister stated, adding that they have to work in three places (Báta, Dunaszegcső and Baja). According to experts, the price level south of Budapest will not exceed the highest level measured so far. At Baja, the defenses need to be raised, they are at 85 percent there.

At least a defensive reserve had to be put in place, it was done, they are better than the situation in 2013.

By the end of the week, the main task is to maintain the readiness level, as well as monitoring and patrolling, “the attention should not slacken and the discipline should not be relaxed”, said the prime minister.

National director general of water affairs: The flood is big and the defense is difficult, the subsidence is slower than expected

Answering his question after the briefing, Viktor Orbán said that nowhere did he experience any defensive difficulties that would have arisen between the locally elected mayor and the volunteers. State and local government defenses are coordinated and people are calmer than in 2013, as nothing will happen that we haven’t seen before. “While the situation is serious, there is no need to rush or get nervous,” declared the Prime Minister, who said that as a result, there is “reassuring confidence”.

“My plan is to be able to hang my rubber boots on a nail around noon on Thursday”

– thought the Prime Minister.

Regarding the expected damages, he stated that after the water did not exit the riverbed into a protected area, they could occur in two places:

  • in an agricultural area, where there will always be some damage, but it is not expected to be a large amount,

  • in houses built in the flood zone, which is an insurance matter, they do not usually pay subsidies from the budget for damage caused to buildings built in the flood zone without a permit. They only intervene if it is justified by some extraordinary aspect.

“Compared to how serious the situation is, we will get away cheaply,” concluded the prime minister.

At the briefing, the prime minister also announced

  • the question of whether the closure of the Lánchíd will be lifted for motorists, he prefers to leave it to the mayor to deal with it. This is a “Budapest anthill,” he declared.

  • whether the government has done everything and why the mobile dam was not built in Vác and Kismaros, for example, should be discussed after the defence. Whether something should be protected with a permanent or temporary protection is an ongoing professional debate, which is decided by the water department. We cannot build everything at once.

“We did a test installation two years ago, we saw how many days it would take to complete the dam, now we can calmly wait for the topping out”

Source: nepszava.hu