“We are looking for personalities aligned with our vision of the showroom”

Showroomprivé offers event sales, co-constructed with content creators. Meeting with Albert Prénaud, CMO of the e-retailer, who details the behind the scenes of “Showroom by…”, an initiative he supported.

What is the genesis of this project?

When I arrived at Showroomprivé almost two years ago, organizing branded sales was the first initiative I wanted to set up. So we started with Sabrina Cesari, a fashion and lifestyle influencer, and we very quickly moved on to Léna Situations, then Faustine Bollaert at the beginning of the year and finally Atelier de Roxane, which offers culinary content. The next activations with new content creators will take place in October or November. These are big names. But for the moment, we can’t say more. If I brought this idea forward, it’s because I’m convinced that influence is a great lever and the results of our marketing strategy around content creators confirm this. If it wasn’t viewed very favorably until recently, it’s because in my opinion it was poorly used. First of all, the KPIs generally followed are not the right ones. We quickly tend to race for subscribers on networks and absolutely want to increase our follower base. But this requires varying the influencers more regularly, and going after the most well-known ones, without them being linked to the business and the target audience.

How do you choose the content creator for your event sale?

Our sales must match the editorial line and the community of the content creator we are promoting. They must create a showroom that resembles them, that is the whole point of our concept. In short, when we work with Léna Situations or Faustine Bollaert, we make available to them all the upcoming sales on our platform during the activation period. Then, each creates their own selection and offers it to their community, to ours and more broadly to an interested audience that we will capture through marketing investment. Thus, we are looking for personalities who are aligned with our vision of the showroom. So they must have a rather light tone, a desire to promote great brands and good deals. Finally, our branded sales must be perceived as pleasure purchases, so the personalities we select must succeed in conveying this.

What is the target of these activations?

We are looking to create influence teams over a full year, in order to reach various targets. With Léna Situations, we will make ourselves known among the youngest, which is not necessarily our priority but an area on which we place a strong emphasis. While with Faustine Bollaert, we will rather work on our core target, therefore being stronger on the CRM part and activation of the member base. The Showroom By L’atelier de Roxane represent an in-between. The new content creators that we will announce at the end of the year will allow us to complete what we have started to build.

What are the direct benefits of your “Showroom By…”?

It was important to me that it be a profitable tool from its inception. This does not mean that our challenge is for each Showroom By to generate a volume of business that allows for incremental income, but we must at least cover our costs with a margin vision. This profitability objective is our first mission.

Then, we have other KPIs, which we can only track if profitability is achieved. Among them, those that affect awareness. During a one-week operation with Léna Situations, we gain around 5,000 followers. This peak in awareness is the highest of the year with more than 60 million impressions and more than 200,000 visits to our page.

Source: www.ecommercemag.fr