“We are strongest when we are calmest”: How to achieve peace?

“We are strongest when we are calmest”: How to achieve peace?

There was no better way for Siniša Ubović to come to the promotion of his book “Return to Peace”, to which he was 15 minutes late due to the large crowd in the city, than to check everything he writes about in action and practice peace in a stressful moment by personal example. And he succeeded! Not only does he effectively enter the stage in the race, but he also genuinely makes the present readers laugh.

The editor of the book, Ivana Misirlić, spoke with Ubović.

The conversation started with the sentence: “We are strongest when we are calmest”.

“It takes a lot of effort to achieve that peace, that strength, and hence the subtitle of the book ‘A Guide to Overcoming Fears and Blockages.’ And that is a short explanation that guides us and shows what we need to achieve peace”, said Ivana Misirlić.


Every book by Siniša Ubović contains many autobiographical elements, which serve only as an illustration of the ideas he communicates: “When it comes to this topic, I gained the most new knowledge when the corona started and everything that followed it. Then I organized a free seminar online to restore peace in that moment because there was a lot of unrest, fears and blockages. That was the moment I realized how important this was. I saw that the essence of everything I was taking them through was to get them to die, and that was the beginning of this book.”

In the first part of the book “Return to peace”, Ubović explains what kind of peace we are looking for, while in the second part he breaks down all the fears and blockages into eight levels of transformation, which we need to go through in order to break through all the thoughts and emotions that hold us back.

Siniša Ubović


“We have a bizarre idea that our life will improve and change the moment the people around us come to their senses or some external situation calms down or passes. But we are dealing with something that we cannot influence,” Ubović noted and added: “If you have any fear or anxiety, it is certainly addressed in this book. All that came from practice and working with people and my experience. We live in a time where we have the impression that many things are imposed on us and that we live under obligation, and everything is a kind of pressure. We have to be great at work and at home and great partners, but the restlessness has to break out. And when the unrest spreads from us to someone else, it becomes a focal point from which it is very difficult to get out, because then the questions of ‘who is to blame, where did it start’ start, and this happens not only in partner relationships, but also at work. in traffic, everywhere. The bottom line is that you can enter peace the moment you understand the necessity of peace. Because if we don’t understand that peace can bring anything good, we won’t reach for it, nor will we search for peace.”

Siniša Ubović, educator and trainer of the “Total Motivation” program, has shaped diverse experiences into a stimulating guide that in a practical way helps to overcome feelings of anxiety, fear and questioning in the face of galloping changes. Inner peace does not happen from the outside, and it is not worth waiting for it to happen by itself. That is why it is necessary to learn how to conquer it and keep it within ourselves, and only then we start to transfer it to our environment and influence others with our positive example.

You can find the book “Return to Peace” in all Delfi bookstores, Laguna’s readers’ clubs, online bookstore delfi.rs and on the laguna.rs website.

Source: BIZLife

Photo: Laguna

Source: bizlife.rs