We asked oncologists which drink is the most carcinogenic: there is definitely one

Today, 20% of cancers are associated with our diet. It is proven that a diversified and balanced diet, favoring plant foods rich in fiber such as fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains, can reduce the risk of developing cancer.

« We know that diet plays a role in obesity and obesity can influence the appearance of cancers for metabolic reasons. All the studies show it », Confirms Dr Alain Toledano, president of the Rafaël Institute, a European center for integrative medicine supporting patients during and after cancer.

What types of cancers are directly influenced by our diet? Top Santé gives you the expert’s opinion.

Meat at the top of the list

The oncologist mentions five foods and drinks directly linked to cancer. At the top of the list, he places red meat, such as beef, pork, venison and lamb, which are associated with the onset of colorectal cancer.

MD Anderson dietitians recommend a diet that is largely plant-based. Vegetables, whole grains, beans, fruits, nuts and seeds should make up two-thirds of what you eat, with lean animal proteins and dairy making up the remaining third.“, explains Dr. Toledano.

Nutritionists also advise consuming less than 500g of red meat per week, which is equivalent to around 3 to 4 steaks.

Cold meats, rich in nitrites, must be limited

Processed meats are a group of meats that pose an increased risk of cancer.

Processed meat refers to any meat that has been preserved or has undergone changes in shape and flavor. This includes most meat options found behind the deli counter, as well as hot dogs, ham, bacon and sausages.”describes Dr. Toledano.

These options are often preserved with nitrates and nitrites which can increase the risk of colorectal and stomach cancers.

“Cancer doctors are unanimous: alcohol has been associated with an increased risk of several diseases”

“There are many stories that debate the health risks and benefits of alcohol consumption. But cancer doctors are unanimous: alcohol has been linked to an increased risk of several diseases, including breast cancer. stomach, colorectal, esophagus, liver, pancreas and breast“, says Dr. Toledano.

Alcohol causes tissue damage over time, which can lead to changes in the cell’s DNA and an increased risk of cancer.

Added sugar or artificial sweeteners are indirectly linked to cancer

Ultra-processed foods and drinks are indirectly linked to cancer risk through increased sugar and sodium levels, which can lead to weight gain and obesity.

“Products with added sugar or artificial sweeteners are indirectly linked to cancerreports the doctor. Just like ultra-processed options, these sugary options can lead to weight gain and obesity, which can lead to an increased risk of cancer“.

“There is no diet that can guarantee that you will not get cancer”

There is no diet that can guarantee that you will not get cancer. But eating a healthy, balanced diet can reduce the risk“, answers Dr. Toledano.

A healthy, balanced diet means eating mostly fruits and vegetables, plenty of whole grains (these include brown pastas and whole-wheat breads), and healthier sources of protein like fresh chicken, fish, or legumes ( including lentils and beans).

What to think about fasting?

Studies have shown that fasting reduces the risk of cancer or improves the ability to fight it through changes in the metabolism of cancer cells and by improving the effectiveness of anticancer drugs.

“While the research on the subject is tantalizing, there is little clinical evidence involving humans to support the claimscomments our expert. Studies of the potential impacts on cancer treatment of various forms of fasting or calorie restriction, including the possibility that they reduce side effects, have been limited.“.

In summary

-Dr Alain Toledano explains that 20% of cancers are linked to diet, influenced by obesity and metabolic factors.

-Red and processed meat, as well as alcohol, are associated with an increased risk of colorectal, stomach, and other cancers.

-Eating a healthy, balanced diet can reduce the risk of cancer, but does not guarantee total protection.

Source: www.topsante.com