We finally found out what time of day is best for drinking coffee.

Doctor Pavlova told how to drink coffee correctly

Scientists have given a clear answer to this question.

Drinking coffee in the morning is most beneficial for your health. Scientists from the European Society of Cardiology came to these conclusions.

Research has shown that those who start their day with a cup of coffee have a 16% reduced risk of death from all causes and a 31% reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease. At the same time, two cups of coffee drunk in the first half of the day turned out to be most beneficial.

The scientists’ findings were commented on by endocrinologist Zukhra Pavlova. Drinking coffee during the day or evening is less beneficial, she says, because of the circadian rhythm of sympathetic activity, which peaks in the morning and declines at night. “People who drink a lot of coffee in the afternoon often have problems sleeping,” the doctor said.

The specialist also warned Russians against drinking coffee immediately after waking up. You should drink an invigorating drink only after a glass of warm water and breakfast. Pavlova also does not recommend adding sugar and syrups to coffee, and instead of regular milk, she advises using lactose-free or plant-based analogues.

Previously, gastroenterologists named a lethal dose of coffee and those who should not drink it at all.

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Source: www.rosbalt.ru