“We go in a pack, we are like Pili and Mili”

Jose is 62 years old and he is very fond of dancing, he says that it is his passion and that he dances all the time. Although he does not have a typical man, he is very direct and explains that he does not want “a freak”, but he comes to ‘First Dates’ with a great desire to fall in love.

As soon as I met Carlos Sobera, Our bachelor wanted to know the age of the presenter and has screwed up: “How old are you, 60?” “No, 56,” the presenter replied, and José was very embarrassed: “I thought you were a bit older. I really messed up, I’ve been seeing him for so many years that I think he must be my age, but no, he’s six years younger.”

José He confesses that he has been living with his ex-partner for 20 years: “The relationship is broken, but we continue and everything is a package deal. If I find a partner, it’s a package deal, we’re like Pili and Mili,” and her words surprised the presenter so much that he couldn’t keep his mouth shut.

Avelino is 61 years old, He is a hairdresser and will dine with Joseph in the restaurant of love. Our bachelor confesses that he has a very strong character and claims that he has a very short fuse when people try to tickle him. For José, the first impression has been very good since his date seemed very attractive, but for Avelino it has been the opposite and he has confessed that Jose has not filled anything for him.

Already at the table, both have seemed very comfortable and have talked about the most important aspects of their lives, and Avelino has confessed to José something that has completely thrown him off balance.

“I have never had a serious relationship,” Avelino has confessed, and Jose was surprised: “It’s a bit strange, I’ve always had it.” “I think it’s because it didn’t come out. It took me a long time to come out of the closet, I came out 26 years ago when I decided to accept what I was and be happy,” explains Avelino.

“I left home because of my first boyfriend when I was 19,” José confesses, and without stopping talking he told one anecdote after another to his date, who couldn’t take it anymore: “Look, I talk, but he…”

After dinner, and calmer, José has opened up and He has told Avelino everything about his relationships: ”I was with the first one for 10 years and with the second one for 27. Also, we have been married for 17 years, we have not had sexual relations for 7. He lives with me, we have a good friendship and I am not going to leave him either.”

The final decision

José and Avelino met again after a great dance and made the decision of whether to go alone or as a couple, but the conversation did not start well at all. “You are intense, you talk too much,” Avelino reproached José, and he defended himself: “You are not far behind.”

But Jose was willing to continue with his date: “We are a little different, but I’m not closed to anything, I could have a second date, and you have to get to know each other because a quickie is easy, but then a relationship is different.”

Avelino, for his part, refused: ”I wouldn’t go on a second date because you talked too much, as a friend maybe yes, but as a second date no.”

The decisioncuatro.com

Source: www.cuatro.com