”We have been reporting and investigating for more than a year”

Very serious accusations have been made against the Andalusian Government of Juanma Moreno for possible fraudulent hiring. Apparently, the Andalusian Government would have handed out 458 million euros in 2021divided into thousands of health awards, so that they were less than 30,000 euros each, and could be distributed by hand among the same companies without the need to put them out to public tender.

To learn more about the controversy, ‘Everything is a lie’ has connected live with Juan Espadas, general secretary of the PSOE in Andalusiawho explains to us in detail what happened.

The secretary has spoken about the accusations: ”They are absolutely a scandal. It is known after the reports of the auditors of the Junta de Andalucía that come to corroborate what we socialists have been denouncing and investigating for more than a year and a half and what the PP has refused in parliamentary headquarters, for example, to have a commission of investigation”.

As to whether it is the division of the awards what has set off the alarmsJuan Espadas has explained it: ”There are two issues, firstly there is the division into contracts of an enormous amount of money, more than 450 million euros, based on dividing up contracts of less than 30,000 euros with the purpose of allocate them by hand.

”The issue of subdivisions joins what we have been denouncing for months, which is the hand-picking of contracts from Public Health to private health since COVID trying to use emergency contracts that there was and that for two years the government of Mr. Moreno Bonilla has continued to use,” the secretary reveals.

And he continues detailing what happened: ”When the use of emergency contracts was no longer authorized at the end of 2021, what I am saying is that the Andalusian Government in Public Health has done two things, one, it has used those emergency procedures. emergency to try to extend it illegally and that is why we have reported it. And second, we also observe that what would have been contracts for amounts greater than 30,000 euros, which are the only ones that are allowed for smaller contracts, since contracts of 300,000, 500,000 euros have been divided 5,000 times“For something that had a larger amount, that is illegal.”

Source: www.cuatro.com