We have been sowing THIS VARIETY OF WHEAT for years and we don’t think of changing it!

The wheat variety AVENUE has been present on the fields in our country for a decade, and for the last five years it has been the most sown foreign wheat variety in Serbia. We talked to the producers from Titel and found out why they like to sow the AVENUE variety of wheat!

We have been sowing THIS VARIETY OF WHEAT for years and we don’t think of changing it!

Miroslav Buljin, in front of Ćirić Agro from Titel, shared his experience. ,,AVENUE gives an excellent yield every year. This year we had very bad conditions, especially during the winter when there were few moisture reserves, and despite that we achieved an average yield of 9.9 tons per hectare. In addition, AVENUE I one of the earliest varieties of wheat in Serbia, it arrives right after barley.

,Ćirić Agro’ already For 6-7 years, he only sows AVENUE and we do not think about other varieties. We had 960 hectares of wheat this year, and the entire area is under AVENUE”.

Watch the whole video: This is the MOST SOWN VARIETY OF WHEAT in Serbia, for 5 years already!

“We have 60 acres under wheat, and most of them are under AVENUE. We sow AVENUE because it is a very early wheat variety, so it escapes from high temperatures – it means a lot when the wheat is harvested a little earlier. We chose this variety on the recommendation of a friend and we sowed several varieties side by side, and AVENUE turned out to be the best”, he confirmed Mica Milinov from Titel.

AVENUE wheat: Main characteristics of the variety

One of the most important features of this variety is precociousness. This means that the critical period of development, grain filling and waxy maturity, ends before the onset of heat. In this way, it avoids heat stroke and forced stoppage of vegetation.

AVENUE is a low variety of wheat and that’s why it is tolerant to lying downeven with intensive fertilization. Adapts to different conditions and it tolerates different levels of agrotechnics and soil quality well.

The sowing norm is from 400 – 450 germinated grains per m2which is quite enough considering that barks intensely. Of course, the sowing rate depends on the cultivation of the plot and the time of sowing. In later sowing dates, the recommended sowing rate per unit area is increased by 5-10% for every 10 days of delay compared to the optimal sowing date.

The company GALENIKA – FITOFARMACIJA is the exclusive distributor of LG wheat varieties: AVENUE, LG ANERI, NIKOL and LG ASTROLABE. Scroll through for more information CATALOG LG VARIETIES OF WHEAT.

Source: www.agromedia.rs