We have to go through five more difficult days before we can breathe + video

– We are already over the difficulty – Eszter Vitályos, the state secretary responsible for government communication, wrote on his social media page.

In her post, Eszter Vitályos recalled the self-sacrificing work of the past few days, and thanked all participants for this.

– In the past few days, we have worked shoulder to shoulder, supported each other and fought against time, so that by the time the Danube reaches its peak, our settlements will be ready, and our family, friends, acquaintances and neighbors will be safe – reminded the government spokesman.

As of Sunday, 1,862,500 bags were filled by those involved in flood protection. By Friday, we covered a total of 754 kilometers

– summed up the state secretary.

– We have to get through five more difficult days for the country to breathe – emphasized Eszter Vitályos.

Source: magyarnemzet.hu