”We helped each other, we stayed in touch”: Giovanni Angiolini, Michelle Hunziker’s ex, talks about their relationship –

  • The doctor returns to the brief liaison with the showgirl in 2022, immediately after her separation from Trussardi
  • The 43-year-old explains why it ended almost immediately: “We have very different lives”

Giovanni Angiolini on the pages of Diva and Woman returns to the brief liaison with one of the queens of TV. Michelle Hunziker’s ex talks about their relationship in 2022immediately after the separation between the 47-year-old showgirl and Tomaso Trussardi. We helped each other – clarifies the 43 year old – We stayed in touch”.

”We helped each other, we stayed in touch”: Giovanni Angiolini, Michelle Hunziker’s ex, talks about their relationship

The one between the former Gieffino, a highly regarded surgeon, and the Swiss was one “intense but also funny story”. “For both of us it was a very, very difficult period emotionally. We helped each otherexplains Giovanni. On the sudden farewell, he clarifies why it ended: Simply because we both have lives that are too different and full of things. They decided to break up by mutual agreement and even now maintain a friendly relationship: We stayed in touchwe send each other messages of good wishes, it’s always a pleasure to hear from each other.”

Angiolini reveals that he met Hunziker at a “business appointment”. When asked if by any chance he was involved in making aesthetic adjustments to Michelle (he is an orthopaedist, but also specialized in aesthetic medicine, ed.), he comments: “But no, I never did anything to Michelle’s face. She really has excellent DNA but above all you can’t understand how disciplined she is in keeping herself fit”.

The doctor returns to the brief liaison with the showgirl in 2022, immediately after her separation from Trussardi

At the moment the doctor is no longer single: “Not totally celibate. Let’s say… under exploration. Or rather: in the process of getting messed up!”.

Source: www.gossip.it