We know what kind of cars Hungarians want to buy

A representative survey was conducted among those planning to buy a car within a year or two about what kind of car they would like to buy. The research looked at people over the age of 18 and clearly showed that two-thirds of potential buyers are looking for a used car. 21 percent want to buy a new car.

According to a statement from Das Weltauto, those planning to buy are looking for 12-year-old cars on average. The decision is mainly influenced by the car’s price, brand and mileage. The main findings of the study:

1. Hungarians are looking for a car older than six years

Two-thirds of those who filled out the questionnaire think about a used car the most. 38.1 percent of them plan to buy a 6-10-year-old car, but 23.6 percent think it is possible that they will choose a car older than 16 years. 19.4 percent said they were looking for a car between 0 and 5 years old. The respondents aimed for an average age of 12 years, which is lower than the current average age of the domestic vehicle fleet of 15.6 years.

2. Most of them want a car with no more than 100,000 kilometers

38.7 percent of those who filled out the questionnaire wanted the planned mileage of the car to be between 0 and 100,000 kilometers, 30.3 percent wanted between 100,000 and 100,000, and 8.5 percent were those who would not shy away from a mileage of more than 300,000 kilometers.

3. Gasoline cars are still the most popular

At 61.7 percent, gasoline-powered cars are the most popular. 9.4 percent are looking for a hybrid car, 7.3 percent a fully electric car. The research also asked how much money individuals would spend on the purchase. 29.5 percent of respondents would spend more than HUF 3 million, but the HUF 2-3 million range is also popular.

Source: www.vezess.hu