We want Glovo Brand Ads to be at the forefront of the revolution in the retail media space in Romania

If people no longer choose their products from the shelf, in the store, but order them from Glovo, then the retail media space must also adapt, and the marketing tools must follow their consumers on the app. That’s how it came about Glovo Brands Adslate last year, a promotional tool that transforms traditional marketing practices into new solutions, integrating the user experience.

Glovo Brands Ads offers different types of online & offline promotion tools aimed at increasing in-app sales, user loyalty or audience expansion. Among them are thematic sections, collections dedicated to brands, virtual stores, optimized branding campaigns, as well as offline sampling campaigns through delivered orders.

Glovo Brands Ads was specifically designed to give marketing departments the tools they need to implement effective advertising campaigns, explains Ivan LaketaHead of Brand Ads Romania & Moldova Glovo.

“We strongly believe – and the results obtained so far confirm us, that Glovo Ads succeeds in helping brands in these efforts, offering them exposure in a multi-category platform, which has grown exponentially in the last 6 years and which today has a nationwide coverage,” he says Ivan Laketa.

Using app-specific features such as push notifications or interactive elements, companies can create personalized advertising experiences and brands can see the performance of their campaigns in real time, allowing them to adjust their spend to target consumers accordingly, both in and outside the application. Glovo Brands Ads offersas well as out-of-app services, allowing both brands and smaller retailers to reach users through programmatic buying.

We continue to talk with Ivan Laketa about how the Glovo Brands Ads service was conceived and what are the first conclusions one year after its launch.

The context in which the Glovo Brands Ads service appeared

Glovo is one of the leading multi-category apps connecting users with businesses and couriers, offering on-demand services from local restaurants, supermarkets and shops. Glovo’s vision is to give everyone easy access to everything in their city, so users can enjoy what they want, when they want, where they want. Thus, brands increasingly requested us to promote their products and services to customers, after the initial activations brought them a sustained increase in sales and generated awareness. This is why in the last two years we decided to build our own retail media project – Glovo Ads, service officially launched on the market at the end of 2023.

The need for platform exposure

Brands are constantly looking for new ways to diversify their marketing tools and channels in order to reach consumers in the most effective and targeted way. Thus, Glovo Ads appeared as a natural response to the needs of our partners, and not only, to increase their notoriety, their presence in e-commerce and, implicitly, their business.

We strongly believe – and our results so far confirm that Glovo Ads succeeds in helping brands in these endeavors, offering them exposure in a multi-category platform, which has grown exponentially over the last 6 years and which today has a reach at the national level.

Online & offline promotion services

Brands can engage with millions of consumers throughout their shopping experience on the Glovo app by running in-app media campaigns. Thus, vendors can benefit from advertising tools along the entire marketing chain (awareness, consideration, conversion), which allows them to effectively invest their budgets, find, understand, activate and measure their audiences, supported by a technological platform powerful, optimized to protect brands from overspending or a negative return on investment.

We offer a wide range of online and offline promotion services. In fact, demand for personalized promotion services increased by 35% in the first half of this year compared to the same period in 2023, and adoption is increasing month-on-month. In November of last year, we also organized the first edition of Brands Day in Romania, an event specially created to present the promotional opportunities available on Glovo to partner brands, in the context of the evolution of the platform in Romania, but also of consumer habits regarding the application.

Development Glovo Brands Ads in Romania

Currently, in Romania, we have a team of 8 people who focus on helping brands build strategic plans and meet their business goals. The Brands Ads team is practically a strategic brand consultant. We want to help brands maximize their potential on our platform while getting closer to their customers, and guide them through the execution process that will help them grow their business exponentially.

What the Glovo Brands Ads service entails

For partner companies, regardless of the field of activity, Glovo provides different types of online & offline promotion tools aimed at increasing in-app sales, user loyalty or audience expansion. Our retail media services focus on performance-based assets, and offline we can also integrate sampling campaigns through delivered orders.

Some of the most popular product tools that brands can purchase in-app are Branded and Shoppable banners for awareness and InStore Boosted search and CartUpsell for conversion. We also recently launched our Programmatic offering, which will allow businesses to target customers based on their past purchase behavior in Glovo, and the Post Order Banner, which allows brands to target customers while they’re waiting for their order.

At the same time, sponsored searches, Cart upSell and sampling services were among the most accessed promotion services in 2023, the Romanian brands that most often used these options operating in FMCG.


Each campaign has different goals and therefore we talk about different KPIs. We usually divide campaigns between awareness campaigns (focused on increasing impressions and brand awareness) and conversion campaigns (focused on increasing sales).

Companies that have used the Glovo Brands Ads service

To date, we have worked with over 50 brands on the Romanian market, from FMCG companies such as Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Unilever or Danone, to service companies such as Mastercard or Aircash.

Most brands use a wide range of tools at the same time, practically a 360 campaign that brings the best results, influencing the user through the various touch points along the way, such as Branded and Shoppable banners, Cart Upsell and Search Boost.


On average, brands that invest in conversion campaigns will have 3-4x higher ROAS, and brands that activate awareness-based tools have achieved up to +1.5 million impressions in less than a week.

The first conclusions following the launch of Glovo Brands Ads

We are extremely pleased with how the brands we work with are starting to include Glovo in their annual marketing plans. I believe that the retail media space in Romania is just at the beginning and we want Glovo Brand Ads to be at the forefront of this media revolution.

How was the service received by vendors & consumers

The consumer has always been and will always be at the fore, so we’ve taken great care to ensure these new ads are relevant, non-invasive and with great care for the user experience.

We are currently developing our own self-service platform that will allow brands to run campaigns autonomously, and we will launch it in Romania later this year.

How consumption habits have changed

The food delivery market in Romania has experienced accelerated growth, and in recent years it has grown both in delivered volumes and in value. Of course, this growth was highly influenced by the pandemic context, but even if we no longer have the same restrictions, the on-demand delivery market still has room for growth. This is largely due to the changing behavior of the consumer, who have become familiar with and easily adopted the habit of ordering products at home, and deliveries remain at a high level even today.

From our 2023 data, we’ve extracted some key trends that we expect to continue this year. Looking at non-food categories, we saw a boom in cosmetics orders, which doubled in 2023, while electronics orders grew by 68%. Another current characteristic of the Romanian consumer is the growing preference for online home shopping, with supermarket orders increasing by 40% in the last year.

Source: www.iqads.ro