Weather Armageddon in almost all of Poland. Enormous destruction, there are photos

Summer is not quiet this year. Almost every day, RCB alerts are sent to Poles. regarding possible storms and hail, residents of the country are warned of possible flooding and other effects of violent weather phenomena.

Today, once again, we can talk about the difficult weather-related situation in various regions of Poland. Due to the storms that are sweeping across the country, the fire department is receiving numerous calls related to damage caused by extreme weather.

Hail storms reached, among others, Małopolskawhere heavy rain caused numerous floods. According to PAP, In Sucha Beskidzka a tree fell on a moving car — bystanders helped the injured people out of the vehicle, no serious injuries were reported. As a result of the strong wind, trees also fell on several buildings. The Storm Observer Network reported on platform X that severe weather conditions occurred, among others. in Nowy Targ – streets turned into riversand strong winds tore thatches off the roofs.

The situation was also bleak in the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship. Trees broken by strong winds fell onto power lines – as reported by PAP, Nearly 4.5 thousand customers remain without electricity. In Olsztyn there was heavy rainfall, which internet users wrote looked like “a flood”.
