What a “tribute” from the Kremlin. Hungary and Slovakia are the only EU countries that do not threaten “Russian traditional values” – World – News

Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin approved on Friday a list of states that, according to Moscow, allegedly “impose destructive ideas contrary to Russian spiritual and moral values.”

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Prime Minister Robert Fico and Minister of Foreign Affairs Juraj Blanár.

As he reports website Ukrainian Pravdathere are 47 countries and territories on the list.

There is practically a complete European Union with the exception of Hungary and Slovakia. The only member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) that is not part of the Russian list is Turkey.

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Russia says that in the future it will only be able to provide humanitarian aid to residents of the countries on the list who “share traditional Russian spiritual and moral values.”

Paradoxically, Russia compiled a list of “enemy states” in 2022, which included all member states of the European Union. According to him, Hungary and Slovakia are still Russia’s enemies.

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Source: spravy.pravda.sk